
  • The first telephone.

    The first telephone.
    The invention of the telephone is the culmination of work done by many individuals, the history of which involves a collection of claims and counterclaims.
  • The second telephone.

    The second telephone.
    Ben Franklin invented the second telephone around 1880.
  • The third telephone.

    The third telephone.
    The third phone was invented in 1900. Alexandra Graham Bell was the one who created the third telephone.
  • The fourth phone.

    The fourth phone.
    George Sweigert invented the fourth telepone in 1920. This phone was updated more, then the first, second, and third.
  • The 2G IPhone.

    The 2G IPhone.
    The 2G iPhone was released on June 29, 2007.
  • The IPhone3G.

    The IPhone3G.
    The 3G iPhone was released on July 11, 2008.
  • IPhone4

    Steve Jobs invented the IPhone4.
  • IPhone4G

    When the world expected Apple to launch the iPhone 5, they got the iPhone 4s instead. Fortunately for Apple fans, the iPhone 4s featured some major improvements when stacked up against its iPhone 4 predecessor.
  • The IPhone5c

    The IPhone5c
    The introduction of a new iPhone means that the old model will be getting a price cut that would validate it as a mid-range smartphone – a strategy we’ve been seeing Apple using the last couple of years with its iPhones
  • IPhone5s

    Fingerprint Scanner: Apple beefed up the iPhone’s security today with Touch ID, a fingerprint scanner that’s built right into the Home button. Touch ID can be used instead of a passcode for turning on your smartphone as well as when making an iTunes purchase.