

By 1424161
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    The first iPhone was made in 2007. It was one of the most sold smart phone.The phone was not that big but many people had it.
  • Third iPhone made

    Third iPhone made
    The third iPhone was called, the iPhone 3GS. It was made in Moscone Center, San Francisco.
  • The Fifth iPhone made

    The Fifth iPhone made
    The iPhone five was just a better model of all the other iPhone's. As more people bought the iPhone the more popular they got.
  • iPhone Six

    iPhone Six
    The iPhone six was a way bigger hit than the five was. Many people got the six when it first came out.
  • Iphone seven

    Iphone seven
    The iPhone seven was way better than the last. The seven was water proof and so many people got it.
  • iPhone eight

    iPhone eight
    The iPhone eight was like the seven but it was a little bigger and better.They both had many things in common.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    The iPhone is the biggest one now. It has a fuller screen than the others.And it has diffrent buttons than the other ones.