Philosophy of Science-Timeline 1

  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin is undoubtably one of the most well known scientists. He is well known for the theory of evolution. The biggest part of his discovery was him going on a 5 year voyage to break down and discover the theory of evolution and how human life really came to be. His famous voyage he went on is the HMSBeagle and that is where he picked up specimen for study. editors. March 29th 2021. Charles Darwin Biography. 28th NOV 2022.
  • William Whewell,

    One of the key events that William discovered was the term Scientist. He studied with some well known philosophers such as Darwin. He realized that there was not a technical term for the field of science. As all the fields of science were all combined under one name. He decided that scientist is better than natural philosopher.
    Talk of the nation. May 21st 2010. How the word scientist came to be. 28 nov 2022.
  • Auguste Comte, Without Auguste’s discovery of astronomy, we would be in a completely different mindset when it comes to space.

    Auguste was the first French philosophers to begin the study of astronomy. He once stated,“We understand the possibility of determining their shapes, their distances, their sizes and their movements; whereas we would never know how to study by any means their chemical composition”
    HearnShaw, John. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
  • Edmund Hussen

    He became a philosopher that made people open their eyes to concrete thinking.He has helped the world form a better way of focusing our mind with his method.He goes in depth with his method by introducing 5 principal phases.It goes by, a bracketing(epoche)or suspension of the empirical and metaphysical presuppositions of the “natural attitude.”
    Elmar Hussein.Nov. 15th 2018.Phenomenology.28th NOV 2022.