Period 8 Holocaust Timeline

  • Jewish Life In Europe Before The Holocaust

    Jewish Life In Europe Before The Holocaust
    Jews who took a loyal oath were granted right of citizenship.Jews were later emancipated in Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, and Norway.
  • nazi racism

    nazi racism
    Hitler was a huge believer in racial purity and belived aryan was the superior race. On this day the first meeting of the nazi party was held where hitler outlined the partys political agenda. The party embodied racism and was determined to rule over inferior races. They viewed jews as racial enemies.

    Germany turned into a one-party dictatorship right after Adolf Hitler became the chancellor in 1933. He organized the police power to enforce Nazi policies. The Nazi party persuaded the Cabinet to give them unlimited power to do what ever they want. Individuals lost the right to privacy,they listened in on telephone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant.
  • The Boycott Of Jews Businesses

    The Boycott Of Jews Businesses
    The Nazi's boycotted the jews in germany. The "Nazi's had planned to carried out the first nationwide, planned action against them: a boycott of Jewish businesses.'' The nazis had painted the "Star Of David" {it was blk and yellow} on peoples door
  • Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

    Nazi Propaganda and Censorship
    The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.
  • Enemies of the state

    Enemies of the state
    The Nazi government of Prussia, the largest state government in Germany, bans Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • enemies of the sate

    The Nazi government of Prussia, the largest state government in Germany, bans Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • SS Police State

    SS Police State
    The SS police were an important tool to Nazi terror which guarded Adolf Hitler and other party leaders. They were a group whose
    members also served as auxiliary policemen and, later, as concentration camp guards.After 1934, they became the private army of the Nazi party when they were originally Hitler's bodyguard.
  • The Nuremburg Race Laws

    The Nuremburg Race Laws
    new laws were made by nazis.Many were racial theories in the nazis ideology.The laws didnt define a jews as someone with religious belifs.
  • The evian conference

    The evian conference
    called for an international conference to address the refugee problem. In the summer of 1938, delegates. including the nuremburg trials.
  • The Murder of the Handicapped

    The Murder of the Handicapped
    The mentally challenged, physically handicapped, or mentally ill were targeted for murder by the Nazis. They called the program the "T-4" or "enthanasia" program.
  • 9 Antismitism

    9 Antismitism
    There was an eruption of polish and Jewish friendship cause the genocide to spread west.
  • Locating the victims

    Locating the victims
    The German government and gathered information of all persons living in Germany to create a Jewish registry. Adolf Hitler as chancellor made people with Jewish backgrounds removed. Jews passports were changed and everybody had to do something to themselves so that the Germans can recognize them as Jews. And after that their lives went upside down.
  • Voyage of the St.Louis

    Voyage of the St.Louis
    German ocean liner, left Germany with almost a thousand Jewish refugees on board. The refugees' destination was Cuba, but before their arrival the Cuban government revoked their permission to land, The "St. Louis" was forced to return to Europe in June 1939.
  • World war 2 in Europe

    World war 2 in Europe
    The world war II was the second war, it was a global war that lasted 1939 to 1945.Germany started World War II by invading Poland then Britain and France responded by declaring war on sep 3 then Poland was defeated by a combination and was divided between Nazi Germany and the Soviet union.An on 1945 September 2 they surrendered.
  • Forced Labor

    Forced Labor
    Germans forced labor to clear war damage and repair roads for Jewish men between the ages of 14 and 60, later on included women along with Jewish children aged 12 to 14 in Poland.Jews generally work 10 to 12 hour days under harsh conditions, receiving little or no pay.
  • German rule in occupied europe

    German rule in occupied europe
    Hans Frank, the Nazi administrator of occupied Poland, orders the arrest and execution of Polish leaders.
  • ghettos in poland

    ghettos in poland
    the Nazis took the Jews out of the city and put them in a place called the Ghettos.the Ghettos are places that are marked off
  • Life in the Ghettos

    Life in the Ghettos
    the ghettos were one room apartments where several Jewish families lived. the Germans gave them one piece of bread for 4 or 5 families to eat. After awhile some people stared getting sick because of the enviorment of the Ghettos.

    Germans turned from the emigration and imprisonment of Jews to mass murder.Their job was to kill any Jews they could find in the occupied Soviet territory.The killers entered a town or city and rounded up all Jewish men, women, and children. They also took away many Communist party leaders .Victims were forced to surrender any valuables and remove their clothing. They got killed by getting shot or put in a gas chamber.
  • At the Killing Centers

    At the Killing Centers
    A Nazi, usually an SS physician, looked quickly at each person to decide if he or she was healthy and strong enough for forced labor. This SS officer then pointed to the left or the right, victims did not know that individuals were being selected to live or die. Babies and young children, pregnant women, the elderly, the handicapped, and the sick had little chance of surviving this first part.
  • Jewish Partisans

    Jewish Partisans
    Partisans are fighters that were concentrated in densely wooded areas. The Jews would seek refuge with the Jewish Partisans during the war , so they ( Jews ) would be kept safe .
  • The Wannsee Conference and the ''Final Solution''

    The Wannsee Conference and the ''Final Solution''
    Fifteen high-ranking Nazi party and German government leaders gathered for an important meeting on January, 20, 1942. Nazi leaders met to determine the ''final soultion of the Jewish question''. They formalized the process for rounding up and exterminating the Jewish population of Europe through the use of concentration camps and death camps.
  • deportations

    As part of the final solution, Jews were deported to six extermination camps, where they were murdered by gassing. On this day systematic deportations from the netherlands began. Large groups of Jews from different areas were deported to varied killing centers in the next couple of years.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    The Warsaw Ghetto uprising
    A Jewish fighting organization (ZOB) were established to resist Germans deporting them. They have been resisting for months and when the Germans finally faced the uprising, they lost. After a long battle between them the Germans began the great Synagogue and ended the resistance. Instead of the Jews reporting for deportation they bareheaded themselves and the Germans continued to find them but the Jews that they didn't get found, went to the join partisan groups around Warsaw.
  • killing center revolts

    killing center revolts
    After many Jews were gassed the left over prisoners decided to revolt. they revolted by using picks,shovels and weapons to kill.
  • Rescue in Denmark

    Rescue in Denmark
    Germans presented Danish gov with new demands hoping to end resistance but were declined.Danish gov resigns after three years of German occupation.Germans take over the administration of Denmark in attempt to implement the "Final Solution" by arresting and deporting Jews.Danes respond with nationwide rescue operation.
  • The war Refugee Board

    the war refugee board was created by Roosevelt. this refugee board was to rescue Jewish people from hiding and Concentration camps this helped save man teens and other Jewish people.
  • Prisoners of the Camps

    Prisoners of the Camps
    As the Jews were the main targets of Nazi genocide, the victims of the killing centers were overwhelmingly Jewish. In the hundreds of forced-labor and concentration camps not equipped with gassing facilities, however, other individuals from a broad range of backgrounds could also be found. Prisoners wore color coded triangles, political prisoners wore red, common criminals wore green, and Gypsies and other German prisoners wore black.
  • Aushwitz

    was a camp of concentration and extermination camp built by Nazi Germany during the world war 2.
  • Liberation

    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate camps. The Germans had been forced to leave the sick and weak behind. The Germans had attempted to make the camps empty and try to hide the dead bodies, and take the surviving bodies with them.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    The Soviets approached from the east, and the British, French, and Americans from the west. The Germans began frantically to move the prisoners out of the camps near the front and take them to be used as forced laborers in camps inside Germany. Prisoners were first taken by train and then by foot on "death marches," as they became known.
  • Nuremberg trials

    Nuremberg trials
    International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, April-May 1946, War Crimes Trials. ... Red and blue shields with symbols related to the Nuremberg trials. Shields bordered in black. Pass to the dining room at the Grand Hotel, Nuremberg. The donor Rolf Wartenberg, is listed as.
  • The NIght of broken glass Kristallnacht

    The NIght of broken glass Kristallnacht
    Jewish-owned shop destroyed during Kristallnacht (the "Night of Broken Glass"). Berlin, Germany
  • The Survivors

    The Survivors
    Europe had a small amount of jewish communites left.Many anit jewish groups broke out into riots in polish cities.Poland no longer had a future for the jews.many left poland,the united states changed their immigration policy to allow more jewish refugees to enter.