Paul Revere

By brynere
  • Sons of Liberty

    The Colonists formed the Sons of Liberty who stood up against unfair laws from the Britsh. 'Paul Revere 2"
  • Stamp Act

    Paul Revere was angry at the British for taxing the colonists on all paper materials. "Paul Revere 2"
  • Boston Massacre

    On the night of March 5, 1770 shots were fired from the British at colonists. "Paul Revere 2"
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Sons of Liberty planned the tea party, which was to dump all of the Britsh Tea into the Boston harbor. "Paul Revere 2"
  • Start of The American Revolutionary War

    The colonies revolted against the Britsh throne. "Paul Revere"
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere goes on his famous ride to warn the clonists that the British are Invading. "Paul Revere's Ride pg. 303"
  • Lighting the Lanterns

    Paul Revere's friend hangs two lanterns in the Old North Church to alert Paul the British were coming by sea. "Paul Revere's Ride pg. 305"
  • Riding into Concord

    Paul Revere rides through Concord to warn the colonists that the Britsh are coming. "Paul Revere's Ride pg. 305/306"
  • Captured between Lexington and Concord

    Paul and Prescot are captured by Britsh officers and questioned. "The Deposition pg. 312"
  • First Shot Fired

    Paul Revere watches as the British and the Colonists line up for battle and sees the first body hit the ground. "The Deposition pg.313"
  • The Mystic River

    Paul Revere rides along the Mystic River to awake John Adams. "The Deposition pg.311"