patient zero group 4

  • ashley cole eats infected turkey.

    ashley cole wanted seconds but the family ate the first turkey so she had to get the second turkey that was infected.
  • alba cole (mother) gets infected

    the mother alba cole got infected by hugging her daughter while her daughter still didnt show simptoms.
  • han cole (father) gets infected

    han cole gets infected by kissing her wife while she did not show symptoms as well.
  • mother and father go away for the holidays.

    han cole the father goes to hong kong to see his family on a plane and alba cole goes to argentina to see one of her cousins.while ashley cole stayed home because se wasnt feeking to good
  • han infects a man next to him on the plane.

    han infects a guy named lee hai by shaking hands and han still didnt show symptoms very severe.
  • Alba cole infects her cousin with her cousins children.

    alba infects her cousin first by hugging sofia gomez then hugging valentina gomez and a handshake with a hug with victor gomez.
  • han infects his mother.

    han infects his mother bertha cole by hugging her alot.
  • lee infects his husband john.

    le infects hi husband by hugging him and kissing him because they missed each other.
  • valentina gomez infects her boyfriend

    valentina gomez goes to see her boyfriend for new years and infects him kissing.
  • han and alba go back home.

    han cole and alba cole go home with the symptoms worst.