Passion Week Timeline

  • Triumphal Entry

    Triumphal Entry
    • Jesus stops at Bethany near Jericho
    • Jesus is going to Jerusalem to fufill the prophesy, and because traditionally, all the men in Israel would travel to Jerusalem for Passover.
    • In Bethany, Jesus asks his disicples to fetxch him a colt to ride into the city.
    • Upon entering the city, people flock to Jesus, and lay down their garments on the road and lay palm leaves down for Jesus yelling, Hossana! (Continued in next event
  • Triumphal Entry Continued

    Triumphal Entry Continued
    Jesus sees the city, and breaks down and cries, for he knows he will never enter it again, and he is afraid and not looking forward for what he knows will come.
  • Period: to

    Jesus Death, Ressurection, and Ascension

  • Period: to

    Passion Week

  • Jesus at the Temple

    Jesus at the Temple
    • Jesus returns to the temple after visiting on the Monday of Passion Week, and cleanses it.
    • Jesus sees the money changers, flips their tables with all their money, as, they have turned his fathers house into a den of theives.
    • Jesus also lets all the animals (both first and second hand) free, and causes a mess in the temple.
    • Finally, Jesus claims that he will destroy the temple and re-build it in three days. (Sanhedrin thought of this as a threat, but Jesus was talking about his body.)
  • Judas Betrayal of Jesus

    Judas Betrayal of Jesus
    Judas agrees with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
  • The Lords Supper

    The Lords Supper
    • Jesus and his disciples gather at Marks house, for their last dinner together.
    • Here Jesus announces his betrayal. And that he will die, and the disciples must continue preaching the word to the people of Israel, and the rest.
    • After dinner, they go out and are ambushed by Romans. Judas then points out Jesus to the Romans so they could take him.
  • The Pre-Trial with Annas

    The Pre-Trial with Annas
    • Jesus is unlawfully bound, and taken to a trial in the night held by Annas, the ex-high priest.
    • They break Jewish tradition, and make Jesus confess to being the son of God, which they consider blastphemy.
    • They then hold this evidence against him later at the trial with the Sanhedrin, (which is unlawful.) Immediately declaring him guilty.
  • Jesus Trial with Pontius Pilate

    Jesus Trial with Pontius Pilate
    • Pilate puts Jesus in front of the crowd on Passover, and gives them the choice to crucify Jesus, or Barrabus, and murderer.
    • Priests from the Sanhedrin start the chant to crucify Jesus, and the crowd joins in.
    • Jesus is sentenced to crucificition whereas, Barrabus is set free.
  • Jesus Crucifiction

    Jesus Crucifiction
    • After being sentenced, Jesus is whipped, almost to death, by a lead tipped whip, and then adorned with a purple robe.
    • Jesus is nailed to his beam, and made to carry it to Golgotha. Where is is crucified. He tells John to take care of his mother, and yells out to the heavens It Is Finished. He is supposed to have died from a heart attack.
  • Jesus Buried

    Jesus Buried
    Jesus is taken down from the cross, and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea. He is prepared, and a boulder is rolled in front of his tomb, before the eve of the Sabbath, and guards are stationed outside to make sure no one takes his body.
  • Jesus Resurrected

    Jesus Resurrected
    On the Monday after the Sabbath, women returned to Jesus tomb to prepare him with spices and oils, as was customary. - - They discovered the guards were gone, the boulder moved, and Jesus no longer there, but his robes neatly folded on the tomb.
    - The women ran to get John and Peter, who saw Jesus gone as well.
  • Jesus Reveals himself

    Jesus Reveals himself
    Jesus reveals himself to the disiciples, and shows them, especially Thomas, who doubts him, that He is alive, and has returned from the dead. They touch His wounds, and eventually all believe his ressurection.
  • Jesus among the disciples

    Jesus among the disciples
    • Jesus then remains with the disciples for 40 days before ascending into heaven.
    • Jesus gives the disciples the Great Commission, and tells them what to do when he is gone. (To make disciples of all nations and preach the word of God.)
  • Jesus Ascension

    Jesus Ascension
    Jesus Ascends to heaven in the presence of some of his disciples and is gone from Earth, where he is left to be seated at the right hand of the father, so he can come again to judge the living and the dead.