P1 Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1439

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Allowed for mass printing of documants. Most people cant read, people are used to print bible's.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1439 to

    Print Technologies

  • Publication of the first Journals: The Philisophical Journal of the Royal Society

    Publication of the first Journals: The Philisophical Journal of the Royal Society
    Royal Society: Most people still unable to read. Journalists published for scientists, inventors and educated people. Therefore further enhancing science.
  • First magazine published in London

    First magazine published in London
    Published Monthly which shows printing technology has improved. Generall interests shows wider audience so more literacy. Most people still cannot read.
  • First major newspaper published in the UK

    First major newspaper published in the UK
    Technology is now up to printing daily. This allows people to get infomation the day after the event. Becomes very popular straight away.
  • The Telephone is Invented

    The Telephone is Invented
    Allows real time communication over long distances. Speeds up commerce. Not available to be in the homes of the public but used by the government and large organisations.
  • Period: to

    Telephone Technologies

  • Home telephones are available

    Home telephones are available
    Allows public to talk directly.
  • BBC Radio Begins Broadcasting

    BBC Radio Begins Broadcasting
    The first fast media, very popular. Transmits infomation directly into peoples homes, Hitler used this to gain support. Statistics 8 out of every 10 homes in the United Kingdom had a radio in their homes.
  • Period: to

    TV Technologies

  • BBC begins broadcasting Television in the UK

    BBC begins broadcasting Television in the UK
    Even more powerful form of mass media. BBC was created to inform, educate and entertain. Was only available to the very richest of families in the UK because it was so exspensive.
  • The Interent is invented

    The Interent is invented
    Developed by the american military so that if one military base was destroyed the others could contact each other via a communication 'net.'
  • Period: to

    Interent Technologies

  • Cable TV Available In the UK

    Cable TV Available In the UK
    Allows for alot more tv channels than the three terestrial at the time. Became most popular in the mid 1990's as over half the U.S homes had it. It has taken its time to develop in the UK.
  • 1st Mobile Phones available in the UK

    1st Mobile Phones available in the UK
    Costs around £2000- half hour talk time bought for business. Became more popular in the mid 90's because when newer technology came out, it became more affordable for people and smaller buisnesses.
  • Satellite TV widely availabe to UK public

    Satellite TV widely availabe to UK public
    High Tech, beamed from satellites 100's of channels. In the early days of Sky it had its problems, for example in order to have a clear picture you have to be located fairly near to a transmitter. Even then there was sometimes distortion and interference to the picture.
  • First Text message sent

    First Text message sent
    Today is the most popular form of instant communications. 1.2 billion texts sent per week. Cheap way of staying in contact with people, and widley popular.
  • Publicly available World Wide Web (Web 1.0)

    Publicly available World Wide Web (Web 1.0)
    Used to find infomation buy/sell. Over the last 10 years the internet has become one of the most used sources of finding infomation. Biggest advantage is being able to find infomation out without having to look in a book, or wait for the news to come on,
  • 3G Mobile Phones are Invented

    3G Mobile Phones are Invented
    Pictures and video- allows members of public to be their own reporters instantly capturing/sharing images anywhere.
  • Web 2.0 Emerges

    Web 2.0 Emerges
    Becomes about social networking. People get to stay intouch through the internet. Updating statuses becomes the new way of letting everybody know what you are doing or thinking at that moment in time.
  • 4G Mobiles available

    4G Mobiles available
    High speed internet access. Everyone is plugged in to the system. Widely popular and cheap way to find out infomation quickly and easily.
  • Web 3.0 begins to emerge

    Web 3.0 begins to emerge
    intergrated internet which finds/organises/arranges things on your behalf. The most high tech device that is made available to the internet. Very popular and mass marketed.