
Our Place in the Universe

By SMehta
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    Ptolemy described an Earth centred view of our Solar System

  • May 6, 1364

    Jagiellonian University established (Copernicus worked from here)

  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

  • Period: May 8, 1480 to Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

  • May 6, 1514

    Copernicus described a Sun centerev view of our Solar System

  • May 6, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan was the first person credited with circumnavigating the globe, proving that the Earth is spherical

  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

  • May 6, 1577

    Tycho Brahe described comets as objects which orbit the sun in the same way as planets

  • Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for suggesting that the universe contained alien worlds

  • Kepler observed a Supernova

  • Hans Lippershey built the earliest known telescope

  • Galileo first used his telescope to observe the night sky, discovering the moons of Jupiter

  • Jeremiah Horrocks was the first person to observe a transit of Venus across the Sun

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    Issac Newton

  • Newton first theorised about the laws of Gravity

  • Sir Edmund Halley observed the transit of Halley's comet

  • James Gregory and Issac Newton estimated the distance to the nearest stars as hundreds of times further away than the Sun

  • The return of Halley's comet at the time predicted by Newton and Halley confirmed the nature of cometary orbits

  • William Herschel announced the discovery of the planet Uranus

  • A new planet (Ceres) was discovered but was later found to be the first Asteroid ever discovered

  • Antarctica was first officially sighted

  • Friedrich Bessel proved that the stars are a vast distance apart

  • Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species, describing the process of evolution

  • Einstein first published his theories about the universe

  • The largest telescope to date observed hundreds of different galaxies

  • Edwin Hubble observed individual stars in another galaxy using a telescope

  • Harwin Shapely proved that our Solar System lies at the edge of the Milky Way, not at the centre

  • Edwin Hubble announced that the universe is exapnding, leading to the theory of the Big Bang

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    Neil Armstrong

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    Yuri Gagarin

  • Fred Hoyle introduced the phrase 'Big Bang'

  • The satellite Sputnik was launched giving birth to the space age

  • Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space

  • The crew of Apollo 8 took the first images of Earthrise

  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first two people to step foot upon the Moon

  • Bernard Oliver proposed that there could be thousands of civilisations in the universe

  • The Hubble Space Telescope was launched capturing images of a larger universe than ever seen before

  • Queloz and Mayor proved the existence of a planet orbiting another star

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  • Mars Odyssey began its journey to Mars

  • Another galaxy discovered (Andromeda)