The life of Oscar Grouch

  • Oscar's Potty Training: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

    Oscar's Potty Training: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
    At age 3, Oscar began using the potty on his own. Each time he used the potty, his parents gave him praise. Soon, Oscar started choosing to wear underwear instead of his diaper. If he had an accident, he was reassured by his parents that it was okay and it's a part of learning. In Erikson's second stage, Autonomy vs. Shame, the crisis is between having control over one's bodily functions versus feeling inadequate and not in control over one's bodily functions.
  • Oscar's Love of Painting and Dance: Identity Vs. Confusion

    Oscar's Love of Painting and Dance: Identity Vs. Confusion
    Oscar, at age 13, had a great interest in the arts. He began exploring painting and ballet as forms of self expression. His parents encouraged his exploration of the arts by buying him canvas and paints as well as ballet lessons. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs. confusion, the crisis is between being able to have a sense of who he is and having self doubt over who he is.
  • Oscar becomes a mentor: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Oscar becomes a mentor: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    At 54, Oscar decides to become a mentor to boys in low income households who want to learn ballet. Every Saturday, boys between the ages of 7 and 15 meet at the local community center where Oscar teaches them the fundamentals of ballet. Not only does he teach them pirouettes but he also becomes a father figure to some. In Erikson's 7th stage, the crisis is between giving back to the community and choosing not be involved with helping the community.