Operation enduring freedom

Operation Enduring Freedom

  • Start of Operation

    Start of Operation
    Start of Operation Enduring Freedom.
  • First Democratic President of Afghanistan

    First Democratic President of Afghanistan
    Hamid Karzai is sworn in as the first democratically elected president of Afghanistan.
  • Taliban Top Military Commander Killed

    Taliban Top Military Commander Killed
    The Taliban's top military commander, Mullah Dadullah, is killed in a U.S.-led coalition operation.
  • President Obama Increases Troops

    President Obama Increases Troops
    President Obama announces the deployment in 2010 of 30,000 additional U.S. troops. This new deployment will bring the U.S. total to almost 100,000 troops.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is Killed
    Navy Seals raid a compound in Abbottbad, Pakistan and kill the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
  • Suicide Bomber kills 77 Troops

    Suicide Bomber kills 77 Troops
    Two Afghan civilians are killed and 77 U.S. troops and 25 Afghan workers are wounded when a Taliban suicide bomber detonates a large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device at the entrance of Combat Outpost Sayed Abad, an ISAF base in Afghanistan's Wardak province.
  • Obama Announces When the Mision Will End

    Obama Announces When the Mision Will End
    President Obama announces that the United States combat mission in Afghanistan will end in December 2014.
  • End of Operation Enduring Freedom

    End of Operation Enduring Freedom
    Obama announces that Operation Enduring Freedom has ended.