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Oedipus Rex

  • 510 BCE

    Oedipus blinds himself

    Oedipus blinds himself
    Oedipus removes Jocasta's brooched and scratches her eyes out along with his so they won't see the pain he has caused.
  • 510 BCE

    Oedipus enters palace to be driven out of Thebes

    Oedipus enters palace to be driven out of Thebes
    Creon takes Oedipus' children away from him and grants him his wish of being driven out of Thebes.
  • 509 BCE

    Jocasta kills herself

    Jocasta kills herself
    Jocasta is so upset with this news she hangs herself.
  • 509 BCE

    Oedipus threatens shepherd

    Oedipus threatens shepherd
    Oedipus threatens the shepherd if he does not talk he will torture him. The shepherd tells him about how Jocasta gave her baby (Oedipus) to him to kill, but he could not do it so he gave the baby to the messenger.
  • 508 BCE

    The shepherd denies knowing the messenger

    The shepherd denies knowing the messenger
    The shepherd Oedipus called for denies knowing the messenger and giving a baby to him.
  • 507 BCE

    Jocasta wants Oedipus to call off search

    Jocasta wants Oedipus to call off search
    Jocasta begs Oedipus to call off the search because she knows the truth.
  • 506 BCE

    King Polybus dies

    King Polybus dies
    A messenger comes to Thebes to tell that King Polybus (Oedipus adopted father who he believes is his real father)and that the people of Corinth want him to be there king. Oedipus is relieved by this news because he believes this means he did not fulfill the prophecy.
  • 506 BCE

    Oedipus finds out he was a gift

    Oedipus finds out he was a gift
    The messenger then explains Oedipus was not their birth son, he was a gift from the messenger who received Oedipus from a shepgerd.
  • 505 BCE

    Jocasta goes to the Oracle

    Jocasta goes to the Oracle
    Jocasta goes to the Oracle to pray to the gods to help her husband.
  • 504 BCE

    Oedipus accused of the murder of King Laius

    Oedipus accused of the murder of King Laius
    When Tiresias arrives he does not want to tell Oedipus what he knows, but when Oedipus pushes him to, Tiresias reveals that Oedipus himself killed the king.
  • 504 BCE

    Jocasta explains how the king was killed

    Jocasta explains how the king was killed
    Oedipus is outraged and sends Tiresias away. Jocasta then explains that King Laius was killed at a place where two branching roads meet.
  • 504 BCE

    Oedipus finds out he might have killed Laius

    Oedipus finds out he might have killed Laius
    Oedipus then asks Jocasta when this happened and she says close to before he arrived. This makes him think he is the killer and asks for the survivor of the attack to come talk to him.
  • 503 BCE

    Tiresias is called

    Tiresias is called
    In order to find out who killed Laius, Oedipus sends for the prophet Tiresias to tell them.
  • 502 BCE

    Oedipus becomes King

    Oedipus becomes King
    Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx. The people of Thebes declare him their king. He then ends up marrying Queen Jocasta and having 4 kids with her.
  • 502 BCE

    Disease is spread around Thebes

    Disease is spread around Thebes
    A disease has spread thorugout Thebes so Oedipus sends Creon ( his brother-in-law) to find out what is wrong. Creon returns saying the murderer of Lauis must be brought to justice for the disease to go away. Oedipus declares he will find the killer and curses him by saying what will happen to him when he is found.
  • 501 BCE

    Oedipus confront the king and queen

    Once Oedipus hears this news he confronts his "parents" and they deny the allegation.
  • 500 BCE

    Oedipus runs away

    Oedipus runs away
    Scared that he will fulfill the prophecy, Oedipus runs away from corinth.
  • 500 BCE

    Oedipus kills travelers

    Oedipus kills travelers
    On his journey, Oedipus runs into a group of travelers and gets into an argument with them killing them all including King Laius (his father) however, he does not know that. He kills all of them but one survives.
  • 500 BCE

    Oedipus arrives in Thebes

    Oedipus arrives in Thebes
    Oedipus' journey ends in Thebes. When he gets there King Laius is pronounced dead.
  • 499 BCE

    Oedipus hears he is not King Polybus' and Queen Merope's son

    Oedipus hears he is not King Polybus' and Queen Merope's son
    The king and queen name the baby Oedipus and raise him. When he is older he hears from a drunk man that he is not their biological child.
  • 499 BCE

    Oedipus confronts the king and queen

    Oedipus confronts the king and queen
    Once Oedipus hears this news he confronts his "parents" and they deny the allegation.
  • 498 BCE

    Give baby to shepherd

    Give baby to shepherd
    the king and queen give their baby to a shepherd to take to the mountain where it should die
  • 498 BCE

    Baby given to King Polybus and Queen Merope

    Baby given to King Polybus and Queen Merope
    the baby is found and given to the king and queen of corinth who are not able to have children of their own
  • 497 BCE

    Baby is born

    Baby is born
    King Laius and Queen Jocasta have a baby boy
  • 497 BCE

    Find out about prophecy

    Find out about prophecy
    King Laius and Queen Jocasta find out that their son is destined to kill his father and marry his mother