October 25, 1962

  • March 1960

    March 1960
    Presidnet Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to start training the Cuban exiles for the invasion on Cuba. They would start to train for the April 17th invasion. The CIA hoped that it would cause a big problem and overthrow Castro. Cuba was in alliance with the Soviet Union and this caused the US and the Soviet Union to hate each other.
  • April 17 1961

    April 17 1961
    About 1300 to 1500 Cuban exiles landed on a island on the southern coast of Bahia de Cochinos. To start off nothing went the way they wanted it to. An air strike failed to hit the Cuban air force. The CIA reported that it had hit, but it really didnt. This affected the relationship because they thought they could trust the CIA.
  • Summer of 1962

    Summer of 1962
    The Soviet Union started providing weapons to Cuba. The flow of nuclear weapons to Cuba increased greatly in the summer of '62. Khrushchev promised to protect Castro while the weapons were being brought in. The US became aware of this and warned Cuba that they would not tolerate nuclear weapons.
  • October 14, 1962

    October 14, 1962
    As Americans were spying on Russia, the America planes captured pictures of Soviet missile bases in Cuba. They also witnessed missiles that were being prepared to be launched. Kennedy decided something had to be done because the missiles could reach US cities in minutes. He decided to go in and remove the missiles.
  • October 22, 1962

    October 22, 1962
    Kennedy informed the nation of the Soviet missile sites in Cuba. He said that any missile attack by the Soviets would begin an attack on the Soviet Union. This made the US fearful of the Soviet Union. The Soviet ships carried more missiles headed to Cuba as the US prepared to prevent the ships from coming near.
  • October 24, 1962

    October 24, 1962
    Kennedy wanted a quarantine of Cuba. He wanted to block all Soviet ships from reaching the island. He wanted to prevent a missile attack be the Soviets. This created tension between the US and the Soviets.
  • October 25, 1962

    October 25, 1962
    Soviet ships approaching Cuba come to a halt. Stevenson proves to the Soviets that missiles are installed in Cuba. The Cuban Missile crisis has begun. It affected the relationship by providing tension between US and USSR.
  • October 28, 1962

    October 28, 1962
    Khrushchev announces plan to remove missiles from Cuba. Khrushchev asked Americans to not invade Cuba. The Americans secretly agreed to remove missiles from Turkey. It affected the relationship by the US went behind their back and lost Khrushchev’s trust.