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Las luces de Septiembre

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón

    Carlos Ruiz Zafón
    The 25 of September 1964 this author was born.
    The 19 of Juin 2020 was found dead in LA with 55 years old.
    He is considered one of the most admired authors around the world.
    La sombra del viento was written by him in 2001, it´s considered his most famous book for the 15 million examples sold.
    He was inspired to write his books in an ancient book store in LA.
  • La triología de la niebla

    La triología de la niebla
    La triología de la niebla is formed by el principe de la niebla,el palacio de medianoche and las luces de Septiembre.
    It´s considered one of the most sold triologies written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
  • 1995

    In 1995 the book was wroten by the author.
    The 7 of the December the book was published by Carlos Ruíz Zafón.
    it´s considered the seveth most famous book written by Carlos Ruiz zafón.
  • Editions

    This book was published by many publishers.
    The last edition of the book was made in 2016.
    The book was published by Edebe.
    Edebe is considered the original editorial.
  • Examples

    More than 250.000 examples were sold
    The book is edited in six languages
    The last example were sold the 18 of September 2018
  • Plot

    A mansion full of stranger creatures and shadows is inhabited by a mysterious toy mannufacturer
    Irene and Ismael, the lead roles,are united by a horrible secret during a magical summer