New Directions in Thought and Culture in the 16th and 17th Cen.

  • Period: Jan 1, 1473 to

    Sci. Rev. + Timespan

    The Sci. Rev. and all that it entailed was a massive movement for Society, Culture, and Intellectual/Technologal ideas.
  • Oct 30, 1473

    N. Copernicus - I/T

    Nich. Copernicus, believed in Heliocentric system of the Universe. Book Rev. of Heavenly Spheres was a precedent for criticism of the Univ. INTELLECTUAL/TECH.
  • Oct 30, 1546

    T. Brahe - I/T

    Tycho Brahe advocated a geocentric system of the universe. Spent many hours collecting data with the naked eye.
  • Oct 30, 1561

    F. Bacon - I/T, P

    Father of empiricism (That one must observe phenomena before attempting to explain or figure it out.) Did not support Scholastic beliefs. Associated with politics.
  • Oct 30, 1564

    Galileo - I/T, C, P

    G.G. advocated Copernicus's model.
    Argued that nature displayed mathimatical regularity, and the Universe was rational (like math).
    Politics because he won favor by naming planets after the Medicis.
  • Oct 30, 1571

    J. Kepler - I/T, S

    Johannes Kepler, Brahe's assistant, took charge of his mentor's data and used it to find a new astronomical model that showed the planets moving in elliptical orbits. He supported a Heliocentric view.
  • Oct 30, 1573

    Baroque Art - C, P

    Michaelangelo Caravaggio - sharp contrasts, very dramatic
    Gian Lorenzo Bernini - very famous decor in St. Peter's Basilica
    P. P. Rubens - decorated Charlie I's banquet hall ceiling. Leading relig. painter of Cath. Ref.
    Palace at Versailles - most famous monument to Baroque Art.
  • T. Hobbes - C, S

    Original phil. Had a very dark view of humans and advocated strong political authority. Rulers should be absolute.
  • R. Descartes - I/T, S, R

    Rejected Schol. thinking. Supported mathimatical thought and reasoning. Questioned God.
  • M. Cavendish - I/T, S

    Well educated woman. Questioned other's ideas, the ONLY woman in the 17th cen. to sit in a meeting of the Royal Soc.of London. Feminist.
  • B. Pascal - I/T, S, R

    wrote Pensees, "provocative collection of reflections on humankind." Ally of the Jansenists. Reason and faith..better to believe in God then not at all
  • J. Locke - S, P

    Defended the rights of peple against absolute rulers. (Opposite of Hobbes). Also believed that humans were creatures of reason and goodwill.
  • Condemnation of G. - P, S

    Galileo condemned by Roman Cath's. G. supported Copernicus beliefs which were prohibited. Was warned but did not listen, also made the Pope look ridiculous - was put under house arrest for last 9yrs of his life.
  • Sir I. Newton - I/T, S

    Established a basis for physics. Reasoned that the planets moved through being attracted to each other, (gravity). This attraction made them move in an orderly fashion. Believed in empiricism.
  • Instituions of Knowledge - I/T, S

    Royal Society of London, French Academy of Sci., Berlin Academy of Sci. = all places to observe experiments, hold discussions. Diverse in who they admitted in. These groups ended up becoming the base for Enlightenment.
  • English Approach to Sci. and Relig. - R, S, I/T

    Most philosophers believed that to study nature was to study God and to understand him better. (Pantheism?) Sci. and religion were not only compatible, but also supported each other.
  • Witch Hunts + Panic - S, E, R

    This happened between 1400-1700, where there were Religious Wars happening. This put strain on many people and it soon turned to Witch Hunts. Women were targeted 80% of the time.
  • M. Winkelmann - I/T

    Maria W. worked with husband Gottfried Kirch. Discovere a comet in 1702. (was not given credit)
  • E. du C. - I/T

    Emilie du Chatelet Helped Voltaire with a composition and had vast mathematical skills. Translated Princ. Mathe. (Newton) Femenist.