Nazi Germany

  • Hitlers first human rights ban

    Hitler bans the rights, respect, and citizenships of Homosexuals.
  • Hitler's philosophy takes over

    All previous non-Nazi administrators of state are replaced with Nazi-loyal administrators.
  • Boycotting Jews

    Jews denied the rights to normal jobs.
  • Night of broken glass

    Synagogs burned down, windows are shattered in jewish run shops, and Jews are forced to wear the red star of david stamp.
  • Jews forced to move to ghettos

    400,000 jews are forced and moved into Warsow, awaiting transportation to a "hidden island".-
  • Jews meet doom

    The jews are transported to Treblinka, Auschwitz, and other concentration camps.
  • Liberty

    Jews in Aushwitz are freed by soviet troops, and Jews in western concentration camps are liberated by American and British troops.