My Time Line

  • French & Indian War

    the french held trade routes to the ohio valley
  • the proclamation of 1763

    An order in which Britan prohibited its american colonists from settiling west of the appilation mountains
  • Treaty of paris

  • the sugar act

    First attemt for the defence of the colonies of the british gov.
    put a tax on sugar and mollasses
  • Stamp Act

    put tax on all paper prouducts
  • Quartering Act

    required collonist to pay for suplies to british garitons
  • Townshend acts

  • writs of assistance

    alowed guard to search your things
  • Boston Massacre

    british troops killed five colonist in a protesting act
  • Boston tea Party

    patriots diguesed as indian and dumped tea in to the water
  • Tea Act

    Put Tax on all tea led to boston tea party
  • InTolarable acts

    Colonist Responded with a BoyCott of British Goods
  • 1st continetal congerss

    Met in philidelphia all of the colonies exept georgia set delagets
  • Concord

    The first military engagement in the revoulutinary war
  • Lexington

  • 2nd Continental Congress

    convention of delagets from the thirteen colonies
  • Ft. Ticonderoga

    It was of strategic importance during the 18th-century colonial conflicts between Great Britain and France, and again played a role during the American Revolutionary war.
  • Bunker Hill

    british captured charlestown penisuala
  • Common Sense

    written by thomas payne to tell americans to stop listning to great britan
  • Declaration of independance

    to declare independance on great britan
  • Battle Of New York

    Battle to control new york
  • Battle of trenton

    boosted the Continental Army's flagging morale, and inspired reenlistments.
  • Battle of princeton

    British attack at the Battle of Assunpink Creek in Trenton
  • Battle of sara toga

    turning point in the war because the french and spanish allied with the american army
  • Battle of York Town

    british general cornwallace surrenderd to george washington
  • Winter At Valley Forge

    washington and his men spent a long cold winter in 1777 to 1778 in valley forge pensilvainia washing tons troops were in desparate food and warm clothing