My Reading History

  • From Movies to Books

    From Movies to Books
    I remember when I was about 7 years old my dad would often take my siblings and me to the library. After watching the movie Titanic, I got so fascinated with wanting to know more about the devastating event, that I remember checking out so many book on the Titanic.
  • Series

    In my elementary school, they had this reading system where after reading a book you would take a quiz to test your comprehension on the book you choose to read. Points would be added together from all the quizzes for a reward later on. I remember wanting to read all of the books in the Magic Tree House Serie especially since they were somehow historical but fictional.
  • Little House in the Big Woods

    Little House in the Big Woods
    When I was in third grade my teacher, Ms. Anton, would read to us Little House in the Big Woods. She would have us illustrate what was happening in the story as she read the book on a template she had prepared for us. Unfortunately, I left halfway through the school year and never got to finish my brochure & hear how the book ended. But thanks to her, this marked the beginning of my love for books & my interest in Laura Ingalls & American history.
  • Reading with My Mom

    Reading with My Mom
    I had somehow found a Spanish copy of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and had my mom read it for me since at the time I didn't know how to read Spanish. During this event, I learned to cherish my mom even more and it made me realize how much I loved hearing her read to me.
  • Impressing the Teacher

    Impressing the Teacher
    In 4th grade, we had a short government project to do. I don't remember all the details, but I do remember that I somehow ended up wanting to learn more about Ronald Reagan and what he did during his Presidency. It was at this point in my reading history, that I became interested in politics and learning about our Presidents.
  • Little House Gifts

    Little House Gifts
    During 4th grade, I met the literacy director of my elementary school and would often visit her office because it was filled with new books not yet available at the library. I would spend my recess time in her office reading that she eventually trusted me with taking some of the new books home with me. Unfortunately, she moved back home to Kentucky but before she left, she gifted me with the whole set of the Little House Books.
  • Just a Phase

    Just a Phase
    When the movie Twilight was released, I ended up watching the movie before reading the book. After reading the book I decided to read the whole serie rather than watch the movies. I was recommended to read The Vampire Dairies which eventually became a T.V. show and my favorite one. After that, I ended up reading almost all popular teen books like Hush, Hush, The Vampire Academy & the Fallen series.
  • Sophomore English

    Sophomore English
    When I first read Fahrenheit 451, I found it weird at first but eventually with the help of Mrs. Hughes, she would explain and go over the book as we read along in class. After reading this book, it made so much easier to understand any dystopian novel. It also opened up a new genre of books for me.
  • AP World Literature

    AP World Literature
    This book was the most tragic, classic book I have ever read to this day. This book made me appreciate classic literature more.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    During my senior year I became heavily engaged in fashion & being okay with myself. This book was definitely inspirational & beautifully put together.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    Now a day I find myself reaching towards peaceful book settings with positive messages. Janette Oke has certainly become one of my favorite authors in the last 2 years & has influenced me to watch ALOT of Hallmark movies.