My reading history

  • Bed Time Stories

    Bed Time Stories
    The first experience with reading began with bed time stories that were read to me by my dad. Every night as a bed time routine my dad would read me one book before bed.
  • Book and share

    Book and share
    When I went to preschool on every Tuesday we were able to bring a book into the class to share with our classmates. Every Tuesday I brought a different book to read with the class; it made me excited about books.
  • Sight Words

    Sight Words
    In kindergarten we were given 100 sight words. At night me and my dad would go over the sight words. When I was at school my teacher would test me on the words that I know vs the words that I didn't know. At the end of the year I got an award for knowing all 100 of my sight words.
  • Spelling Test

    Spelling Test
    When in elementary school I was introduced to spelling test. Spelling test made me very anxious.Some words were harder to spell than others but I always tried my best.
  • Reading aloud

    Reading aloud
    In elementary school I had my first experience reading out loud to the class. I has very nervous and stumbled over many of the words. I did not like reading aloud to the class.
  • Reading groups

    Reading groups
    In elementary school I was also introduced to small reading groups. Myself and 4 other students would sit and listen to each other read. Smaller groups were easier to read to, I preferred reading in a smaller group compared to reading in large group.
  • Audio Books

    Audio Books
    Audio books were my favorite! In elementary school audio books helped me follow along with the book. I was able to read to myself as the audio book read the same words aloud. Audio books helped to keep me focus when reading the books, and it also helped me learn about tone
  • Chapter books

    Chapter books
    When entering middle school I read my first 20 chapter chapter book. It was very difficult without having any pictures in the book. Also the book was very lengthy and took me weeks to read. When I finished reading the book it made me feel good about myself. It let me know that I can read anything I want to.
  • Science

    When I entered high school I was falling behind in science. When I had to read out of my science book I often got confused with the terminology used in the books. I thought that if I read the word over and over again I'd just understand, this was not true. In order to do better in science I had to learn some of the science terminology.
  • Reading proficiency

    Reading proficiency
    In high school we were required to take a reading proficiency and pass it or else we wouldn't graduate. I was so nervous to take it. During the test I kept second guessing myself but when I received the test back I was so happy to know that I PASSED!