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    Improvements to Music

    Improvements to Music
    Guido D'Arezzo made huge improvements to the music theory.
  • Music Theory

    Music Theory
    Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music.
  • The Classics

    The Classics
    Classic music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western culture.
  • Music Therapy

    Music Therapy
    Music therapy is the use of music to improve health or functional outcomes. Music therapy is art therapy.
  • Classical Music

    Classical Music
    Johann Sebastain Bach recorded a song but after he died he gave his song to Ludwig van Beethoven. Ludwig van Beethoven made the term "Classical Music" in the 19th century.
  • Jazz Music

    Jazz Music
    Buddy Bolden started a jazz band in 1875 but he didn't record his song so no one believes him. But some say jazz music started in 1917 due to Nick LaRocca and his Original Jazz Band, who recorded their music.
  • History of Music

    History of Music
    The first ever person to record sound was Thomas Edison.
  • The Country

    The Country
    Country music was called the "Western" music. This is a music genre that was originated in the southern parts of the United States.
  • Country Music

    Country Music
    Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family are considered to be the firsts ones to create country music.
  • Bluegrass Music

    Bluegrass Music
    Bluegrass as we know all started with guitarists Lester Flatt and five-string banjo innovator name Bill Monroe.
  • The Founder

    The Founder
    Lawrence Berk founded music of all popular cultures for a school to teach all genres of music.
  • Electronic Recorder

    Electronic Recorder
    Musique Concrete made the first electronic recorder in Paris, France.
  • Pop Music

    Pop Music
    This is just a music genre that originated in the United States.
  • Rock Music

    Rock Music
    Chuck Berry, is black man who played black music, he made rock music very famous in the mid-1900's.
  • The Blues

    The Blues
    Blues is a music genre that was formed by African Americans in the Deep South if the United states
  • The Jazz

    The Jazz
    Jazz is a music genre that was made by African Americans community in New Orleans.
  • Folk Music

    Folk Music
    Bob Dylan emerged "folk" music by the start of the 21st century. The term "folk" was just to cover singer songwriters.
  • Music Festival

    Music Festival
    The Woodstock Music and Art Fair became the most famous music festival ever. This was the first ever musical festival in the United States.
  • Hip Hop Music

    Hip Hop Music
    Hip Hop music was made DJ Kool Herc created a street organization called Universal Zulu Nation. The organization was suppose to inspire teenagers out of the gang life.
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    The Sugarhill Gang's first song "Rapper's Delight" was one of the first rap songs recorded and when they made this song this genre started all new types of music.
  • Queen of Pop

    Queen of Pop
    Madonna made pop music really famous in the late 90's. She is famous for pushing the boundaries of songwriting in main street popular music.
  • The Pop

    The Pop
    Pop music is a popular music genre that is very popular in the United States.
  • Backstreet Boys

    Backstreet Boys
    A famous All-American vocal group, that was formed in Orlando, Florida, They debuted their first pop song and become internationally famous.
  • Music Symbols

    Music Symbols
    Music symbols is a system used to visually represent aurally perceived music played with instruments that are sung by humans.
  • Importance of Music

    Importance of Music
    Music is very important it brings all of us together in this world. Whether it be the same music genre or not we all still come together or even performances.