Mother teresa 13

Mother Teresa

  • Mother Teresa was born

    Mother Teresa was born
    Where? She was born in Skopje, Macedona.
  • Mother Teresa's father's death

    Mother Teresa's father's death
    Nikollë Bojaxhiu died of an illness in Skopje, Macedona. At this point, Mother Teresa became very close to her mother. She was 8 when he passed.
  • Mother Teresa joined the Loretto Sisters of Dublin, Ireland

    Mother Teresa joined the Loretto Sisters of Dublin, Ireland
    She was 18 and took the name, Sister Mary Teresa.
  • Mother Teresa traveled to Calcutta, India

    Mother Teresa traveled to Calcutta, India
    She traveled to teach at an all girls high school.
  • Mother Teresa took her Final Profession Vows

    Mother Teresa took her Final Profession Vows
    The vows to a life of poverty, obedience, charity.
  • Mother Teresa became principal at Saint Mary's

    Mother Teresa became principal at Saint Mary's
  • Mother Teresa had a second calling from Christ

    Mother Teresa had a second calling from Christ
    A calling that led her to leave her convent and devote herself with working with the poorest of the poor.
  • Mother Teresa received approval to pursue this new calling

    Mother Teresa received approval to pursue this new calling
  • Mother Teresa created the Missionaries of Charity

    Mother Teresa created the Missionaries of Charity
  • Mother Teresa opened hospices, orphanages, and leper houses

    Mother Teresa opened hospices, orphanages, and leper houses
    These were opened all over India and later expanded internationally.
  • Mother Teresa traveled to New York City

    Mother Teresa traveled to New York City
    She opened her 1st American- Based house of charity while in NYC.
  • Mother Teresa was awarded the noble priest prize and donated the $192,000 prize fund to the poor in India

    Mother Teresa was awarded the noble priest prize and donated the $192,000 prize fund to the poor in India
  • Mother Teresa secretly traveled in the summer through the Siege of Baruge

    Mother Teresa secretly traveled in the summer through the Siege of Baruge
    She traveled through a war zone to evacuate 37 children and later assisted radiation victims at your noble and earthquake victims in Armenia.
  • President Ronald Regan awarded Mother Teresa with a presidential medal of freedom

    President Ronald Regan awarded Mother Teresa with a presidential medal of freedom
  • Mother Teresa had operated 517 missions in more than 100 countries

    Mother Teresa had operated 517 missions in more than 100 countries
  • Mother Teresa's death

    Mother Teresa's death
    She died after years of heart, lung, and kidney problems. Mother Teresa was 87 when she passed.
  • Pope John Paul II opened a formal process toward beatification to make Mother Teresa an official Catholic Saint

    Pope John Paul II opened a formal process toward beatification to make Mother Teresa an official Catholic Saint