
Michelangelo Timeline

  • Jun 15, 1475


    Michelangelo was born in 1475 in Caprese, Italy (Lace 6)
  • Dec 15, 1475

    Sent to Live with a Woman in Sttignano

    Sent to Live with a Woman in Sttignano
    At six months old he was sent to live with a woman in Settignano. She was paid to care for him and teach him to be a gentlemen. His parents were very influential in the city and were to busy to take care of their son (Lace 11).
  • Dec 15, 1488

    Becomes An Apprentice

    Becomes An Apprentice
    In 1488 his father made him an apprentice to Donenic and David di Tommaso di Currado. He was their for 3 years where he would learn art and how to paint. This is where he began to realize that he had an amazing talent in painting. It was strange becaue noone in his family was interested in painting so it is unknown where he got his talent from (Lace 11).
  • Dec 15, 1489

    Math Symbols

    Math Symbols
    In 1489 the signs + and - came into use in math. THis was a huge contribution because it gave the basic structure to math. It is used in every equation in math (Grun 217).
  • Dec 15, 1493

    The Inter Cetera Divina

    The Inter Cetera Divina
    In 1493 Pope Alexander 6th published the "Inter Cetera Divina". It was the dividing of the New World between Portugal and Spain. This seperated cultural exchange of ideas and religios ideas (Grun 218).
  • Dec 15, 1494

    Creation of Algebra

    Creation of Algebra
    In 1494 Luca di Pacidi invented Algebra. It included a study of problems of cubic problems. THis is the base of mathematics in modern day (Grun 219).
  • Dec 15, 1496

    Carves Bacchus

    Carves Bacchus
    In 1496 he carved the Bacchus. Bacchus was depicted as the god of wine. He is in a realing pose of drunkness. It is over lifesize because he loved the human body and made everything more than real life(wga.hu).
  • Dec 15, 1497

    Sculpting The Pieta

    Sculpting The Pieta
    The Pieta was created in 1497. It is located in St. Peters, Rome. His intention for the sculpture was to depict the everlasting beauty of mother mary and show that she would become the mother of the human race (Sahtin 18).
  • Dec 15, 1502

    Creation of The First Book of Masses

    Creation of The First Book of Masses
    In 1502 The First Book of Masses was created by Josquin des Pres. It was published by Ottaviano de Petrucci (Grun 223).
  • Period: Dec 15, 1504 to Dec 15, 1506

    Painting The Battle of Cascina

    From 1504-1506 he was commisioned to paint The Battle of Cascina. It was inspired by the attack on the Florentine army while they rested. He depicted the image when they sprang to fight off the army (artforbreakfast.org)
  • Dec 16, 1511

    The Creation of Adam

    The Creation of Adam
    In 1511 he began creating The Creation of Adam. He had took a break from painting for a little while and realized that the painting was slightly altered. This just shows you that he is one of the greatest artists of all time to notice his own mistake (michelangelo-gallery.com)
  • Dec 15, 1512

    First use of word "masque"

    First use of word "masque"
    In 1512 the word "masque" was used in a poetic drama. It was used as a disquise to depict and image on a character. It made poetry more dramatic and suspenseful (Grun 228).
  • Oct 15, 1513

    Pope Leo the 10th was elected.

    Pope Leo the 10th was elected.
    In 1513 Pope Leo the 10th was elected after Pope Julius the 2nds death. Was very influential to the Catholic church. He influenced many people including Michelangelo (Grun 218).
  • Dec 15, 1529

    Becomes Governer

    Becomes Governer
    In 1529 he became governer of fortifications of Florence. He then fleed FLorence to escape to Venice. He would accomplish many more paintings after he flees (LAce 6).
  • Dec 15, 1534

    Paints The Last Judgment

    Paints The Last Judgment
    In 1534 Michelangelo was commisioned to paint The Last Judgment. It was painted on the Sistine Chapel. The preperations for the painting took about a year. He wanted to make sure that the dampness would not ruin the painting so he built a whole new wall to make sure that the problems were resolved (Lace 6).
  • Dec 15, 1564


    In 1564 Michelangelo died in his home in Rome (Lace 6).