Michael Time Line to government

  • May 6, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Parliament forced the king to sign a document that would forever protect the rights of English citizens and the power of parliament.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Bcamerlal parlimant

    Bcamerlal parlimant
    A group was created to help make laws in England. This gave the people even more power.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Parliament kicked the king England out of powerr and replaced him with a knew king and queen.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    A document sighnd by the king of England that limited his powers. This was the biginning of a power shift from the King to the people
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The colonisrt were protesting 1. High taxes 2. Not having a say in government and 3. Having to house and feed soldiers.
  • U.S ceclares independants

    U.S ceclares independants
    The 13 American colonies created a document stating they were free of Britain and an independent county.
  • Articals of confederation

    Articals of confederation
    Our countries first government was very weak. It had no chief executive, no national court systen , and could not collict.
  • Articales of Confederation is approved

    Our countries first government was very weak. It had no chief executive, no national court system, and could not collect taxes.
  • shays rebellion

    shays rebellion
    A group of farmers were losing their farms because taxes were high and they could not pay their debts. They protested by threatening judges at the courts so no more farms would be taken.
  • Constitutional Convertion

    Finalley they realiezed the Articales were too weak and met in Philadelphia to make a stronger government. The result was the Constitution.
  • The Great Compermise

    This created 2 house legislature. One house was the senate and had equal represintation, like the New Jersey Reperrsinstives whitch was based on population, like the Virginia Plan
  • America is divided

    Two groups formed in support o fand against the Constitustion. Federalist wanted a strong government with 3 equsl branches. Anti-federaalist felt it was too strong and needed a bill of rights.
  • United States Constitusion

    After 9/13 states approved the constitution it became law