Michael Leitch

By riho
  • The birth

    Michael Leitch was born in Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Moved form NewZealand to japan

    Moved form NewZealand to japan
  • Joined the Japanese team (junior world cup)

  • Joined the world cup as a Japanese team for the first time

    Joined the world cup as a Japanese team for the first time
  • ‘best15’ players of Japan rugby top league

    He was chosen as one of the best 15 players of Japan rugby top league for the first time.
  • Nationalized

    He was officially nationalized to Japan. His name changed to Leitch Michael.
  • Captain of Japanese national team

    He was chosen as captain of Japanese national team by Eddie Jones.
  • Best 8

    Best 8
    He lead the Japanese team to best 8 in the world cup.