Michael Harper - Antebellum

By HarperM
  • Irish Immigration

    Through 1840-1860 Irish immagrants increased the cities population widley and expanded groups such as the know-nothing.
  • Period: to

    Michael Harper - Antebellum

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Senator 1850 published the compromise that abolished all slavery in the north. Many conflicts started in determining if states are free or slave states.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    An anti-slavery novel published by Harriest Beecher Stowe that describes the horrific events that she has seen in the south. Grabbed many people's attention and sparked a war.
  • Ten Nights in a Barroom and What I Saw There

    A book published by T.S Arthur that describes slavery. Anti-Slavery book. Wrote about experiences just like Stowe's book. Sparks alot of feelings.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
    When this document was passed, it said that the territory would be under popular sovereignty. This would determine wheather it is a free state or a slave state.
  • The Start of Bleeding Kansas

    The Start of Bleeding Kansas
    The North and the South, both went to Kansas territory for the majority vote for that territory. Many conflicts broke out and blood was shed in multiple battles.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott was a slave that was private property and could not sue in court. This event broke the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
  • Lincoln-Duglous Debate

    Debate between Duglous and Lincoln on slavery. Both parties are anti-slavery but debating on popular soverignty.
  • Election of 1860

    Lincoln was elected in 1860 with about 40% of the votes, angered many people involved with slavery.