
Mental Illness Technology Development of 1970's

By aem1122
  • NMR Discovered

    NMR Discovered
    In the 1930's, Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell discovered the NMR, or the nuclear magnetic renosence. This machine has magnetic fields and radio waves that cause the atoms to give off little radio signals. The NMR was soon named the MRI.
  • First Patent in MRI

    First Patent in MRI
    In 1970, a medical doctor and research scientist named Raymond Damadian figured out the basis for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and started using it as a tool in medical diagnosis.
  • Medical Diagnosis in MRI

    Medical Diagnosis in MRI
    In 1972, less than two years later, Damadian filed his idea about using the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) as a tool for medical diagnosis to the United States Patent Office.
  • CT Invented

    CT Invented
    In 1972, a man named Godfrey Hounsfield invented the computerized tomograhy in England.
  • Clinical Diagnosis in CT

    Clinical Diagnosis in CT
    In 1973, an electrical engineer named Hounsfield used the same technique that Olendorf himself used for the computerized tomography (CT), but for medical diagnosis.
  • The First Patent in MRI

    The First Patent in MRI
    In 1974, the first patent was granted in the field of MRI. It was the first patent in MRI in the world.
  • First CT Scanners Installed

    First CT Scanners Installed
    Through 1974 and 1976, the first clinical computed tomographies were installed.
  • Whole Body CT Scans Now Available

    Whole Body CT Scans Now Available
    Before 1976, the CT scans were only for the head, but then in 1976, the whole body CT scans became available.
  • Whole Body MRI Scanner

    Whole Body MRI Scanner
    In 1977, Damadian constructed the first whole body MRI scan, which he called "Indomitable."
  • The First MRI Company

    The First MRI Company
    In 1978, Damadian created a company called FONAR Corporation, from Field fOcused Nuclear mAgnetic Resonance. It specialized in selling commercial MRIs.