Unknown 1

Vladek Imprisoned

  • The Spiegelmans and Mandlebaums Leave for Hungary

    The Madelbaums recieve a note from their nephew saying he made it to Hungary safely so the Spieglemans and Mandelbaums decide to be smuggled in
  • They are Captured and Brought to Auschwitz

    They are Captured and Brought to Auschwitz
    They are captured by Gestapo on the train to Hungary and later learn that Madelbaum's nephew didn't write the note. Both families are brought to Auschwitz
  • Vladek's Kapo Puts Him in Quarantine

    Vladek receives special privelleges after teaching his kapo how to speak English
  • Vladek Begins Working as a Tinsmith

  • Vladek Works in Birkenau to See Anja

    Vladek Works in Birkenau to See Anja
    Valdek volunteers to work in Birkenau as a tinsmith so he can see Anja
  • He Begins to Work as a Shoemaker

    He Begins to Work as a Shoemaker
    Vladek recalls seeing Miloch repair shoes and becomes a skillful shoemaker
  • Anja is Moved to Auschwitz

    Anja is Moved to Auschwitz
  • Vladek is Sent to Do Black Work

    Vladek is Sent to Do Black Work
    Vladek starts to do hard labor instead of the trade work he is used to
  • Vladek Dismantles the Gas Chambers in Auschwitz

    Vladek Dismantles the Gas Chambers in Auschwitz
    The Nazis have tinsmiths dismantle the gas chambers and crematoriums in Auschwitz to cover up the Holocaust
  • Vladek Marches from Auschwitz to Breslau, Germany

    Vladek Marches from Auschwitz to Breslau, Germany
    Death March Routes The Nazis hope to finish off the remaining Jews in Germany, where no one can discover what they are doing
  • Remaining Survivors of Auschwitz are Liberated

  • Vladek is Sent to the Dachau Camp on a Train

    Vladek is Sent to the Dachau Camp on a Train
  • Dachau is Liberated

    Dachau is Liberated
  • Vladek Arrives in Switzerland for the End of WWII

    Vladek Arrives in Switzerland for the End of WWII
    Vladek boards a train from Dachau to Switzerland to be excahnged as prisoners of war
  • Vladek Survives Multiple Massacre Attempts

    Vladek Survives Multiple Massacre Attempts
    Multiple German patrols gather the survivors together to kill them, however Vladek survives each attempt