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Maria's Time Toast

  • 100


    Before any transport was invented we used the method of walking
  • Jan 1, 1000


    We used rowing boats because we had no electricity. The boats were made of wood and they used oars to move along the water
  • First Car Invented

    First Car Invented
    This car was used to transport people in the olden days invented by Karl Benz
  • Newer Cars

    Newer Cars
    After the first car was invented people satrted to make lots of new cars and started developing into the cars you see today
  • Simple New Cars

    Simple New Cars
    In the 2000 we would see cars like this with cool engines and new MP3 players
  • Todays Cars

    Todays Cars
    Now we have cars that look like the cars in Back To The Future with super high tech motors and gadgets inside
  • Transport In The Future

    Transport In The Future
    Soon enough you'll see these transporters or teleporters, Ufo's, flying cars: who know we just have to wait!