Manufacturing time line

  • Industrial revolution begins

    Industrial revolution begins
    In England the industrial revolution took way by starting off the new idea of manufacturing. This started with many railroads being built for transportation of people and products.
  • First Factory In United States

    First Factory In United States
    Samuel Slater came from England to construct the first factory in the United States. This factory made yarn and opened eyes around the world to create jobs and increase production.
  • Winston Motor Carriage Company Of Cleveland

    Winston Motor Carriage Company Of Cleveland
    This would be the first idea of what we call today “semi trucks”. The idea was at first to move cars. This idea was built on Charles Fruehauf idea of a trailer. He was a blacksmith and made a trailer to put cars.
  • President William McKinley is assassinated

    President William McKinley is assassinated
    He was assassinated by Leo Czolgosz when he was shaking hands at the Pan-American Exhibition on September 6, 1901
  • First Moving Assembly Line

    First Moving Assembly Line
    First moving assembly line, took the time to build a car from 12 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes
  • World War One

    World War One
    This increased jobs for the United States when they had to take action. This war was an outbreak of tensions in the European countries.
  • Route 66

    Route 66
    This was very important for those looking to transport their own goods as well as consumers to get them. This tied the country together to make it easier to get products.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    This war similar with the First World War was an outbreak over seas and then later the United States has to take action. This showed the superpower the United States really was and increased our economic growth.
  • Lean Manufacturing

    Lean Manufacturing
    Improved the flow of production by identifying and eliminating waste. This was a drastic change because it required more persistence, and detailed observation. This was developed by Toyota motor company.
  • Computerization

    AIDS in the design of products, and would end up helping with the robotics of production later on. Computers now play a large roll in production. Not only when computers were introduced in production did it help with organizing it help with the creation of new products to develop and design new ideas.
  • First industrial Robot

    First industrial Robot
    The first robot for industrial use was designed by George Devol. This was the first and wasn’t the most successful but a big step in the right direction for manufacturing.
  • Vietnam War Begins

    Vietnam War Begins
    The Vietnam war was started because a big deal during the Cold War.
  • Discovery of LED lights

    Discovery of LED lights
    Made better lighting for households and manufacturing plants. This was also a less expensive options.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    November 22, 1963 President John F Kennedy was killed while in a limo in a parade in Dallas. This put America on edge and increased security for presidents
  • Industrial Assessment Centers

    Industrial Assessment Centers
    Industrial Assessment centers helped increase the efficiency and energy to keep up with larger manufacturers. This also gave students real world training for new jobs.
  • 3D printing

    3D printing
    The first 3D printed item was a cup. This was used as an eyewash. This opened the world to make products cheaper and without labor.
  • Farm Crisis Begins

    Farm Crisis Begins
    The farm crisis begins. In this time prices of agriculture products plummeted, and interest rates rose to the roof. This made farmers sell out and have to go about life digging themselves out of the hole they fell in.
  • Ronal Reagan signed into Office

    Ronal Reagan signed into Office
    This was a very big deal with the fact of the farm crisis sending the nation in a downhill spiraling. Later on in his presidency he signed a farm bill helping dig lots of the nations farmers who still farmed out of their hole.
  • Robotics become more Popular

    Robotics become more Popular
    Even though they were around since 1954, robotics become more advanced and useful in the manufacturing world. This did take jobs from many people but made products more affordable.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    This was the attacks on the twin towers in New York City. This showed everyone that not everyday is guaranteed, and caused people work harder and come together as a nation.
  • Worlds largest solid 3D printed object

    Worlds largest solid 3D printed object
    The object was tool used by Boeing for aircraft manufacturing. This is a big step for 3D printing, and could possibly to lead more 3D printed tools and objects.
  • Trump is elected President of the United States

    Trump is elected President of the United States
    Trump was elected president, he promised to create jobs. Later on in his presidency he filled his promise, making America great again!
  • DOE Recognizes First U.S. ‘50001 facility

    DOE Recognizes First U.S. ‘50001 facility
    Four Seasons Produce were the first ones to implement this program. This program saves energy for large and small manufacturers.
  • DOE announces $70 million for cyber security

    DOE announces $70 million for cyber security
    Helps keeps programs for newly developed robots from being hacked or overrun by outside hackers. This increases safety for all manufacturers using robots and computers.
  • COVID Shut down the United States

    COVID Shut down the United States
    In March of 2020 COVID-19 shut down the United States to prevent the infectious disease from rapidly spreading. Shut down government and government funded businesses, and made some prices of products plummet.