
Malcolm X

  • The Birth of Malcolm X

    The Birth of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X is born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, the fourth of Earl and Louise Little's seven children
  • Family Gets Kicked Out

    Family Gets Kicked Out
    He and his family move into an all white neighborhood and in order for the caucasian people to get them to leave, they, a local supremacist group, burn their house down to the ground.
  • Father Gets Killed

    Father Gets Killed
    Malcolm X's mother had a premonition about her husband, Earl, and asked him not leave the house that night, but he did anyway and got ran over by a streetar ending up dead. Malcolm later says that the Ku Klux Klan was behind it. After Earl's, his dad, his wife and children struggle to make ends meet and must apply for public assistance.
  • Mommy Goes Crazy

    Mommy Goes Crazy
    His mother was diagnosed as mentally ill and was sent off to a State Mental Hospital, which caused for all of her children to move from foster home to foster home.
  • Starting Life Early

    Starting Life Early
    Fifteen year old Malcolm X drops out of school and later finds his half sister Ella Collins and she gains custody of him. He then goes to work many jobs, then starts hustling
  • Few Years Behind Bars

    Few Years Behind Bars
    He's gotten into lots of trouble during his younger years and was always in jail, he stayed behind bars all the way up until the year 1952.
  • The Transformation

    The Transformation
    Malcolm rejects the surname "Little" as a slave name given to his family by white oppressors, and he becomes known as "Malcolm X. While in prison, he turns to Islam and begins an intensive recruiting campaign with Elijah Muhammad's blessing. Soon membership in the Nation begins to soar.
  • His Teachings

    His Teachings
    In Malcolm's words, "For Mr. Muhammad's teachings really to resurrect American black people, Islam obviously had to grow, to grow very big. That was the start of HIS movement when it came to the rights for blacks and whites.
  • He is suspended by the Nation of Islam as a leader

    He is suspended by the Nation of Islam as a leader
    Malcolm lost his position as a leader when he made critical comments about President Kennedy's assassination. Malcolm had grown weary of the whites in America and was becoming more and more racist.
  • Tries to form a new nation

    Tries to form a new nation
    Malcolm dreamed of a nation for the African Americans. He established the Organization for Afro-American Unity.
  • His Death

    His Death
    Malcolm was assassinated while giving a speech and over 20,000 people attended his funeral. Malcolm X has been praised for his work toward the rights of black Americans, as well as his work in civil rights for all people. He is regarded as one of the greatest black men of all time.