Macbook Air - Evolution

By Ephrem
  • Creation

    The Macbook Air was introduced by former CEO of Apple Steve Jobs at a Macworld Conference in January 15, 2008. The first model was a 13 inch only model that was considered by Apple as the worlds thinnest notebook.
  • Adjustment

    On October 20, 2010 Apple redesigned and sold the new Macbook Air which now instead of using a hard drive like most computers, uses a flash storage which lets it function with incredible speed. Along with this update they included better screen resolutions and a new screen size which was the 11.6 inch screen Macbook Air.
  • Final Designs

    Final Designs
    On July 20 Apple released their so called the final design which included the thunderbolt charger, resolution processor of 3000 GH and more. Apple said that the Macbook Air had great potentials in the future at the WWDC of 2011.
  • Updates

    The macbook air of the new generations has become more and more enhanced for user friendliness with the OS Serria and Screen Touch features the Macbook air is leading the game of notebook designs.