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Macbeth--Kyla Torres

By kylabee
  • Event # 1

    Event # 1
    The King of Scotland is at war with the king of Norway
  • Event #2

    Event #2
    Duncan realizes Macbeth's bravery and, at the same time, learns that the Thane of Cawdor has been arrested.
  • Event # 3

    Event # 3
    Duncan makes Macbeth his new Thane
  • Event # 4

    Event # 4
    Macbeth and Banquo meet 3 witches who predict that Macbeth will be thane Cawdor and king of Scotland, and the Banquo will be the father of kings.
  • Event # 5

    Event # 5
    Macbeth and Banquo then meet two noblemen who announce Macbeth's new title as thane of Cawdor.
  • Event # 6

    Macbeth begins to contemplate the murder of Duncan in order to realize the witches' second prophecy.
  • Event # 7

    Event # 7
    Lady Macbeth invokes supernatural powers to strip her of feminine softness and thus prepare her for the murder of Duncan
  • Event # 8

    Event # 8
    Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that she will plot Duncan's murder
  • Event # 9

    Event # 9
    Lady Macbeth finds Macbeth in his room, contemplating the weighty and evil decision to kill Duncan.
  • Event # 10

    Event # 10
    Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth her plan for the murder, wich Macbeth accepts: they will kill him while his drunken bodyguards sleep, then plant incriminating evidence on the bodyguards.
  • Event # 11

    Event # 11
    Macbeth sees a vision of a bloody dagger floating before him, leading him to Duncan's room.
  • Event # 12

    Event # 12
    Lady Macbeth chastises Macbeth for his weak-mindness and plants the daggers on the bodyguards herself.
  • Event # 13

    Event # 13
    Macbeth imagines that he heards a haunting voice saying that he shall sleep no more.
  • Event # 14

    Event # 14
    Macduff discovers Duncan's dead body
  • Event # 15

    Event # 15
    Macbeth kills the two bodyguards, claiming that he was overcome with a fit of grief and rage when he saw them with the bloody daggers.
  • Event # 16

    Event # 16
    Macbeth is thus crowned king of Scotland
  • Event # 17

    Event # 17
    In an attempt to thwart the witches' prophesy that Banquo will father kings, Macbeth hires two murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance
  • Event # 18

    Event # 18
    Fleance managed to escape
  • Event # 19

    Event # 19
    Banquo's ghost appears to Macbeth as he sits down to a celebratory banquet, sending hin into a frenzy of terror.
  • Event # 20

    Event # 20
    Macbeth decides that he must revisit the witches to look into the future once more. The witchees show Macbeth three apparitions. The first warns him agains Macduff, the second tells him to fear no man born of woman, and the third prophesizes that he will fall only when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane castle.
  • Event # 21

    Event # 21
    Macbeth's thanes begin to turn against him.
  • Event # 22

    Event # 22
    Macduff meets Malcom in England to prepare an army to march on Scotland.
  • Event # 23

    Event # 23
    Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty by pretending to confess to multiple sins and mailcious ambitions.
  • Event # 24

    Event # 24
    The two strategize for their offensive against Macbeth
  • Event # 25

    Event # 25
    Back in Scotland, Macbeth has Macduff's wife and children killed.
  • Event # 26

    Event # 26
    Lady Macbeth unwittingly reveals her guilt as she pronounces that she cannot wash her hands clean of bloodstains.
  • Event # 27

    Event # 27
    When Macbeth hears of Lady Macbeth's death, he comments that she should have died at a future date and muses on the meaninglessness of life.
  • Event # 28

    Event # 28
    Macbeth still believes that he is impregnable to the approaching army.
  • Event # 29

    Event # 29
    Macbeth's servant reports that he has seen a seemingly impossible sight: Birnam Wood seems to be moving toward the castle.
  • Event # 30

    Event # 30
    Macbeth kills Young Siward, the English general's brave son.
  • Event # 31

    Event # 31
    Macduff challenges Macbeth. As they fight, Macduff reveals that he was not "of women born" but was "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb.
  • Event # 32

    Event # 32
    Macduff kills Macbeth and decapitates him.
  • Event # 33

    Event # 33
    Malcolm is proclaimed the new king of Scotland.