Lubicon Cree timeline

  • The Lubicon Cree were left out of Treaty 8

    The Lubicon were not acknowledged or included in the signing of Treaty 8. The government failed to acknowledge the Lubicon's existence.
  • Some Lubicon's Not Recognized as Aboriginals

    The federal government decided that some band members were not original and removed them from the band list.
  • Oil was discovered on the Lubicon territory

    The Alberta government is now very interested in the Lubicon Cree's territory.
  • All weather road is being built on the Lubicon Cree's territory

    Alberta started the road without the Lubicon Cree's concent. The Lubicon cree had no chance to negotiate or voice any opinions.
  • The Lubicon try to file a caveat

    Alberta refuses to accept the caveat, so it shows that they obviously don't care what the Lubicon Cree have to say.
  • Lubicon case is dismissed

    The law is in favour of the Lubicon Cree. But the government passes a bill that makes caveats retroactive before the Lubicon filed their caveat. So the Lubicon Cree case is dismissed.
  • The All Weather Road is Completed

    Resource exploitation activity rapidly multiplies, causing disturbed animals to leave the area. Because of this, the traditional trapping and hunting economy starts to collapse
  • Lubicon's Apply For an Emengency Court Injunction

    The Lubicon apply for an emergency court injunction to prevent further resource extraction. The Lubicon's were trying to fight for their land, but the Alberta government keeps on ignoring them.
  • 19 of 21 pregnancies of the Lubicon Cree end in stillbirths and miscarriages

    Many of the Lubicon people are dying due to the poisoning of their water by the plants that were put onto their land
  • Lubicon Cree boycott the winter olympics in Calgary

    The Lubicon Cree get support from 30 museums worldwide.
  • The "Grimshaw accord" is signed

    The Lubicon Cree finally get a 243 square kilometer reserve. Although these were still not ideal for the Lubicon Cree, it would have improved their quality of life.
  • Pulp mill is opened near Peace River

    A pulp mill is opened near peace river. 30 000 square kilometers of land in northern Alberta is granted logging rights by the Alberta government. This is nearly all of Lubicon territory.
  • A Pipeline From Oil And Gas Wells Spills

    An estimated amount of 28 000 barrels of oil spilt into the wetlands near Lubicon territory. This threatens the health and the environment of the Lubicons
  • Lubicon Cree still dont have rights

    The Lubicon Cree are still fighting for their rights. They are still not treated fairly by the government of Alberta.