
Long and Short Term Goals

  • SMART goals (Long Term)

    SMART goals (Long Term)
    S- I will save up for a new car
    M- I will have saved up $7,000
    A- I will save 85% of all of my paychecks
    R- I will stop buying extra things i do not need (ex: Fresh blends, clearance clothes)
    T- I will meet this goal by 2022
  • Step 1:

    Step 1:
    start doing car research, spend about a week looking.
  • Step 2:

    Step 2:
    Go car hunting, after doing research and having an idea of what kind of car i would like, go onto some lots and test drive.
  • Step 3:

    Step 3:
    Set a limit & Find a car!! Start saving, be able to save enough for a good down payment and first and second car payment.
  • Step 4:

    Step 4:
    Save most of paychecks and change!! only use tips for spending money
  • Step 5:

    Step 5:
    Talk to the bank about certain loans, and pick the bank with the least interest rate
  • Step 6:

    Step 6:
    apply for loan and buy car!!!!!