
Living A Thousand Lives

  • Birth

    On this day, I was born, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Kindergarten

    The first book, I can remember reading, was Go Dog Go, by Dr. Seuss. Who doesn't like Dr. Seuss?!
  • 2nd Grade

    2nd Grade
    Ramona & Beezus were the first chapter books I got through. I had a younger brother and our relatiobship, resembled these two siblings.
  • 3rd Grade

    3rd Grade
    One word. Goosebumps! Read as many of those books as I could get my hands on. One day, I remember, I finished seven books in one day. It was epic!
  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    Harry Potter had been released in 1997 and us 5th graders had just discovered it. Need I say more?
  • 6th Grade

    6th Grade
    I picked up my first Stephen King novel in 6th Grade. Salem's Lot. Scared me silly!
  • 7th Grade

    7th Grade
    I was given a reading assignment and it was then, that I discovered I had a love for history, namely, Egyptian history and Cleopatra.
  • 9th Grade

    9th Grade
    Beowulf. I love reading. Never have I ever, not liked a story, until I read this book. I could not and cannot stand this story.
  • TwiHard

    When Twilight was released, I was not about to read it. I love murder/mystery books. Not romance, science fiction. However, somehow, I related to Bella and finished all four books in one week. I finished the last book at the premiere of the first movie.
  • Carrying On A Tradition

    Carrying On A Tradition
    My son was born in 2012. I have read him a story, almost every single night. I carry on my love of books to him. Knowing I am able to help him expand his imagination and that he enjoys reading as much as I do, means the world. Books are an amazing place to get lost in.