Literacy Process: Significant Literacy Experiences

  • Kindergarden

    I first began to read short and easy sentences in kindergarden. My teacher used to pass out books that we made and colored ourselves. The reason I beleive this is a significant literary experience is because it made reading fun. What young child doesnt like to create their own book and then read it?
  • 1st Grade

    My first negative literary experience took place in 1st grade. I lived in a southern part of Georgia and attended a diverse elementary school. By this age I was able to read short and simple sentences. I was unaware that some letters were silent at times or sounded different in certain words. During this particular day we were learning about the countries in Africa. I recieved my country Niger. lets just say I got quite a few negative stares when I tried presenting my country.
  • 2nd Grade

    I grew up in a small town in Georgia where they strongly implemented Phonex. The teachers decided to take out small bits and pieces of other studies so that we could focus on our reading and writing. Phonex included flash quiz and writing tests. My school enforced this program throughout our everyday routine.
  • 3rd Grade

    The push for Phonex at my elementary school helped a lot with my reading and writing. The teachers were so worried about us learning to read and write that they didnt teach us cursive. This still effects me until this day. I know the basics of cursive but I still need help reading cards I get in the mail that are in cursive.
  • Junie B Jones

    I hadnt always been a huge fan of reading as a child. I was never one of the children that had an extensive book collection or any of that. I remember one series that I was absolutely obsessed with and that was Junie B. Jones. This book was about a young girl and the events that happened throughout her life. I loved it! There were probably over 30 books published and I had almost every one of them.
  • 5th Grade Science Fair

    I was a very organized child. When it came to assignments I had to have everything perfect. When I started getting assigned projects I was over joyed. Something about typing and puting it all together on a big three sided poster board excited me. After hard work and effort I had finished my first science project. To my surprise I had won second place and was even featured in the local newspaper.
  • Popcorn

    By this time I had been introduced to 'popcorn' reading. This was where the teacher would pick a student to read something and that person would then pick the next person to read and so on. I remember always dreaded being called on and I would fear reading out loud.
  • Mathmatics

    At this age I started coming accross my worst enemy - word problems. I was required to distinguish the word form of an equation and interpret into number form.
  • Highschool Shakespeare

    Shamespeare is a memorable literacy experience. Not only were the books lengthy but it was basically written in a different language. It took me awhile to get the hang of certain meanings throughout the book.
  • Senior year

    During my english class senior year I was assigned to make a book about myself. This assignment was one of my favorites because I got to write about everything that was meaningful to me.