

  • Abraham lincoln was born 1809

    Abraham lincoln was born 1809
    Abraham lincoln was borm in a cabin his mother died in october-5 1818 was the death of his mother
  • His mom Nancy died of Milk sickness

    His mom Nancy died of Milk  sickness
    HIs mom Nancy died of Milk sickness October 5th, 1818
  • Abe Lincoln gets married

    Abe Lincoln gets married
    November 4th, 1842 he marries Mar todd
  • Lincoln is elected to the US house of representatives.

    Lincoln is elected to the US house of representatives.
    Lincoln is elected to the US house of representatives.
  • when Abraham lincoln was elected presid

    when Abraham lincoln was elected presid
    Abraham lincoln was elected presid in march the-4-1861
  • Abraham lincoln went to war

    Abraham lincoln went to war
    Abraham lincoln went to war with the south
  • Issues the emancipation proclamation

    Issues the emancipation proclamation
    Jan 1st, 1863 lssues the emancipation proclamation
  • Nov 19th, 1863 delivers the Gettysburg address

    Nov 19th, 1863 delivers the Gettysburg address
    Nov 19th, 1863 delivers the Gettysburg address
  • When Abraham Lincoln died

    When Abraham Lincoln died
    John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham lincoln at a play he shot Abraham linocln in The back of the head
  • when did the civil war.

    when did the civil war.
    when did the civil war end it ended in April18, 1865.