
LIKES - DISLIKES Music & Films

  • WEEK THREE: Likes and dislike explanation

    WEEK THREE: Likes and dislike explanation
    Pay attention and ask frequently
  • WEEK FOUR: Likes and dislikes expressions

    WEEK FOUR: Likes and dislikes expressions
    Talk about your preferences related to songs and films
  • WEEK FIVE: Presentation about your Comic

    WEEK FIVE: Presentation about your Comic
    Design your comic and present it to your classmates
  • SESION ONE: Types of Films

    SESION ONE: Types of Films
    Let´s identify vocabulary about films and practice it telling what´s your favourite film and why.
  • SESSION TWO: Music Genres

    SESSION TWO: Music Genres
    Let´s practice vocabulary about music, listen to and sing your favourite song.