Lifespan Development- Thomas Rowson

  • 0-3 Intellectual

    When the child is first born, they cannot focus .The child starts to understand language and they will start to use it. It starts with babblingand then they start using one word such as hello. They will then be able to create two word statements such as "sleep now". They can look at books and begin to recognise objects.
  • 0-3 Emotional

    Children are emotionally attached to a carer and the quality of the relationship might affect the child's emotional bond for the rest of their lives. They learn to feel emotions like exictment and sadness. By the age of three they start to cry with emotion and show facial expressions and a tone of voice in their speech.
  • 0-3 Social

    The child may start to smile at two months at human faces and they will start interacting with other humans. They can start to familiarize themselves with people and start to make relationships. They will make friends and start to parallel play. This develops in to shared play where the child is shraing their toys and playing with another child.
  • 0-3 Physical development

    The child has not developed any muscle. They also can't see properly so they have a greater sense of smell to the mother's milk. They also turn their head when their cheek is stroked.The child can be startled by loud noises. The child will be able to recognise the mother by her smell. The child will be able to hold their head up and by six months they may be able to sit up by themselves. Between 12 months and 18 months they will be able to walk and by three years they can run confidently.
  • Period: to

    Thomas Rowson

  • 4-9 years Physical

    Children will gain in height and weight. They start to walk and are able to run. They have developed gross motor skills like walking, running, jumping, skipping and writing. The handeye coordination improves. At the end of four they have very minimal fine motor skills but by the age of nine these have improved and the child can use these confidently.e.g write neatly,do up button and maybe even tie a shoelace.
  • 4-9 years Intellectual

    The child will start to learn to read and write. At first this will be short words and by the time that they are able to write sentences and read independently. They can count to ten and by the age of nine they are able to do sums and they know the names of shapes and they have learnt to think in a more positve way.At four a child has a very short attention span but this improves over time. By nine a child can maintain a conversation with an adult and ask interesting questions.
  • 4-9 years Emotional

    At four children start school and start to make friends with both genders. They also make friends outside of school as well. Children may interact at friends' houses and at social clubs.They remain very close to their families and have a good interaction with them. They form close bonds with teachers. Children begin to get frrightened by external events - eg Monsters under the bed, bombs in London, their own mortality.
  • 4-9 years Social

    Children at this age are growing to understand rules of games. They ask the "why" questions. The can use pretend play to make friends and they know what is good, bad, naughty, allowed, etc. They also begin to understand what is right and what is wrong. Boys may dress up as policemen and girls may dress up as nurses. This is the children understanding that know what roles men and women play in society. Children get excited by Christmas, halloween, Easter and birthday parties.
  • 10-18 years Physical development

    Boys and girls both start to go through puberty. Girls will start their periods and their breasts will start to grow. Boys will get bigger testes and a bigger penis and their voice may deepen. Both sexes may suffer from acne. They will also start to grow body hair and start to get some body odour.Children usually reach their optimum height.
  • 10-18 years intellectual development

    They can often plan into the future and they ae able to solve problems in an adult way. They will also learn how to do things in a correct way.Most of this stage is at school and they learn in a academic way. Children will undertake academic exams. At the age of 17 a child can learn to drive. Children now read and understand adult literature and news. Children may leave full time education at the age of 18.
  • 18-18 years social develpment

    People in this age range will start to explore relationships. They learn to take on responsiblities such as jobs and earn money and start to get some adult independence. After the age of 16 children may begin to leave the family home and live independently.
  • 10-18 years emotional development

    People in this age range may feel a loss of self esteem. At the end of this age range they may become more independent by moving out or getting a job. There however may be conflicts between themselves and their parents or family. Many teenagers can suffer anxiety, stress or eating disorders. Teenagers can begin having sexual relationships. After the age of 16 children are allowed to marry with parent's consent and have sex. Relationships with friends are sometimes stronger than with family.
  • 19-65 years Physical development

    During this time people reach their optimum height. Women usually go through childbirth by the age of 45. Due to environmental factors such as smoking, eating too much, drinking etc people may begin to experience health problems. Heart disease, cancers and digestive illnesses can affect people during this period. Physically people usually reach their peak at this age, eg athletes
  • 19-65 years intellectual development

    People in this age range will be able to make decisions for themselves. These can be both good and bad decisions. They will also have got themselves a job, having completed their education. They are able to manage their finances to accommodate their family. People will begin to teach their children. After the age of 18 people have a duty to vote.
  • 19-65 years Emotional development

    There is a change in thought as the person gets older. These can be both positive and negative emotions. They may lose contact with friends even more so because they will retire at the age of 65. . The parents of this age range are getting older and may have passed away. Between the age of 18 and 45 frienships are made at university, at work, at the school gate etc. Many people are diagnosed with stress, anxiety or depression at this time
  • 19-65 years social development

    There is a big change in social development. People of this age range will have friends in work colleagues as well as at home. They may also have a partner and may have started a family.
  • 65 and older physical development

    At this time the heart ,lungs and circulation becomes weaker. Their blood capiliaries start to burst causing them to bruise more easily. They start to lose their hearing and their sight might get worse. They also have slower reaction times and they may start developing arthritis.
  • 65 and older intellectual development

    At this stage of their lives, the person will start to lose their memory and an ability to use and control their emotions. They have problems with daily life such as using getting dressed or cooking food nad they may need to go in to a retirement home. They also have difficulty communicating and expressing thoughts
  • 65 and older emotional development

    Older people need to develop a sense of self that enables them to cope with ageing and death.People who fail to make sense of their lives might experience emotional despair.
  • 65 and older social development

    Once people have retired they have more free time and they are able to increase their involvement with close friends and family rather than extend their social network contacts. By now many have grandchildren and great granchildren. New friends are made during this time as accomodation changes and new social clubs are joined
  • The final stages of life Physical development

    There is clear physical decline. Bones become very fragile and their joints are maybe a little bit stiff. They sometimes can't or won't get out of bed because they cannot walk because of the joints not being able to work freely. Systems start shutting down or slowing.
  • Final stages of life Intellectual development

    It will take longer to learn new things and they may be suffering with an illness such as dementia or alzhiemer's disease. But there is limited interllectual development.
  • Final stages of life, emotional development

    People of this age will need looking after in their old age. There may be a dpendence on children or nursing staff. They will start to think more negative thoughts about dying. These may be fears of dying.
  • Final stages of life, Social development

    There will be a lot of deaths in their family or close friends, so they will lose friends because of these events happening. New friends may be made in nursing homes or with nursing staff. Close bonds will now be made with extended family rather than with friends