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Life Story

  • Born in Berkeley, CA

    Born in Berkeley, CA
    Born and raised in the Bay Area
  • Attended Shows all over the bay area, met local bands and artists as I grew to love music.

    Attended Shows all over the bay area, met local bands and artists as I grew to love music.
  • Traveled the world

    Traveled the world
    Went around the world to India, Japan, China, Italy, UK, Canada, Singapore, and France among other destinations.
  • Became Vegetarian

    Became Vegetarian
    As an animal lover and activict I became a vegetarian to do what I can to protect animals. Stayed that way for more than half my life.
  • Studied Film and English at Chapman University

    Studied Film and English at Chapman University
    Went to college to study film but became more immersed in the music world as I wrote and interned in difference fascets of the industry.
  • Graduation and Life in LA

    Graduation and Life in LA
    Graduate in May 2012 and work in LA, working closely with the artists I love in the music industry.