Li Chan

By nands
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    Village Raded

    Village Raded
    Li's village was burned to the ground and most of his people were killed. His mother was killed infront of him. He had not learned object permanace so his mother no where to be seen he lost the only thing that meant confort to him. This made him lose any connection to confort. Sean
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    Li Chan knew very young that his mother would always protect him and feed him. Knowing this he created the connection that his mother was equal to confort. Sean
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    A soldier of the enemy tribe, seeing Li as an infant with no parents alive to take care of him, took it upon himself to raise the boy on his own. Li not knowing any better and desperate for confort substituted his mother for this soldier becuase he provided him with food. Sean
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    Growing Up

    Growing Up
    The soldier that saved Li had a family of his own and Li fit right in and would call the soldier his father because he would not learn the truth for some time. Growing up with a caring family he came to have basic trust. Sean
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    Young Life

    Young Life
    As a young boy talk about how he wanted to be the best warrior in the world so that he could be know throughout all of the lands people would fear him and never wish to cross him. This shows that he was only focused on his wants and that he didn't even consder the wants of others. Sean
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    Danger in the woods

    Danger in the woods
    Li was out in the woods one day hunting with his father. They went on Li's father told him to stay put while he looked ahead for traces of animals. While Li's father was out Li heard growling in the bushes next to him, he started to tense up and his heart started racing then he ran. Fortunetly his father was near by and shot the wolf that was chasing after him. After the fact he relized that he was expirencing fear at that moment. Nick
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    Among the tribe that Li grew up in every boy would have to perform a task or challenge to become a man. What the boy had to do was determined by the leader of the tribe. The task was aways unique to the boy that would challenge them. Li filled his role and asked the tribe leader what task he was to do. Nick
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    The Task

    The Task
    A week after Li asked the tribe leader he was told his task. His task was to kill the rest of the enemy tribe. Li didn't know that the enemy tribe was actually his people so feeling like it was his duty to complete the task Li made his way for the enemy tribe. Nick
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    Upon his arrival back at the village he was raised Li was struggling with the choice of killing or imprisoning the warriors and his false father for their unforgivable actions. By the time he sees his false father he red hot and he has his sword drawn. He proceeds to kill his false father and the rest of the warriors that attacked his village those many years ago. After he is done he relizes that he did this out of anger. Nick
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    The Truth

    The Truth
    When Li arrived he was ready to get his task done with and so he snuck into the first tent. Li found a man sitting on a blanket smoking a pipe, it troubled Li how much the man looked like him so sheathing his blade he asked the man if he had any children and the man said he had one child but he was taken when the village was attacked. His whole life Li thought he was born to the other tribe but he just relized that he was the man's child. From that point on Li was untrustful. Nick
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    For a couple of years after Li killed the warriors he was never seen or heard from. There were rumors about where he had gone but no one truly knew where he had gone. After his extreme high anger event he had to go into an extreme low and had major depression but after a while he leveled out and returned to his people never to be challenged ever again. Nick
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    On his own birthday Li dies with his family around him and a big grin on his face knowing that he had a great life and he knows that his people will be safe from much evil that could have come down upon them. Sean