By 1940890
  • 2009

    The LFL was founded by Mitch Mortaza
  • first season

    The first 10 teams played a 20 game season at major arenas. They were shot in HD and were on some MyNetworkTV stations, online streaming, and international stations.
  • partnership

    In the 2009-2010 season the LFL partnered with Five Stone music to create weekly highlights, commercials, sound effects, and other music things.
  • MTV2

    In 2010 MTV2 got rights to broadcast 20 regular season games and 2 conference playoff highlight programs.
  • 2 new teams

    In 2010, they introduced 2 new teams, the Orlando Fantasy and Baltimore Charm.
  • Lingerie bowl

    The Lingerie bowl was played was played during the halftime of Super Bowl XLV.
  • video game

    In 2012, the LFL teamed up with a company in Japan to design and develop the first official LFL video game.
  • Legends Football League

    Legends Football League
    The Lingerie Football league changed its name to the Legends Football League because its name and uniforms were hurting its credibility.
  • youtube

    In 2013, they began airing their games on a weekly basis showing games games every Saturday on YouTube.