Lewis and Clark

  • Lewis

    Lewis helped deliver a baby.
  • Epedition

    The expedition got set in motion.
  • Money

    Jefferson bought 820,000 square miles for $15 million dollars.
  • Expedition

    Lewis and Clark's expedition became more important.
  • Congress

    Congress set aside $2,500 for the expedition, and Jefferson chose his personal secretary Captain Meriwether Lewis to it's new leader.
  • Pictures

  • Native Americans

    Native Americans tried to take horses and guns while the people on the expedition were sleeping.
  • Suicide

    Lewis commited suicide with his pistol.
  • Medicine

    Medicine harmed more than helped.
  • Corps of Dicovery

    Set off up the Missouri river.
  • Winter

    Winter was harsh with scarce food.
  • Corps

    Corps headed West.
  • Native Tribes

    They had traveled 1,500 miles and met Native Tribes.
  • East

    The expedition headed East up the Columbia river.
  • Corps of Discovery

    The Corps of Discovery were overjoyed, and so were the people of St.Lewis.