
Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Birth

    He was born on the 11 of November, 1974, in Los Ángeles
  • Critters 3

    Critters 3
    It was his first film as an actor
  • What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

    What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
    It was his first Oscar nomination
  • Romeo + Juliet

    Romeo + Juliet
    It's a beautiful love story
  • Titanic

    This film made him famous
  • The Aviator

    The Aviator
    He was nominated for the second time
  • Blood Diamond

    Blood Diamond
    He was nominated for the third time
  • The wolf of Wall Street

    The wolf of Wall Street
    He was nominated for the forth time
  • The Revenant

    The Revenant
    Finally, he won the Oscar