Leon's Growth

  • Leon is Born!

    Leon is born at a healthy 7.1 pounds. His APGAR score is 9 and so far looks to have a typical birth. (p. 100)
  • When Leon was 3 months old...

    Since Leon is tolerating feedings well, I introduced some solid foods, while maintaining the breast/bottle as his main source of food. (p. 136)
  • Fee Fi Fo Fum

    Leon learns how to walk early. However, he's also a strong climber! We need to keep an eye on him before he goes King Kong all over the place. (p. 140)
  • 1 Year Old Leon Speaks!

    Leon pronounces his first word: The name of our family dog! He also understands about a dozen words or so. Unfortunately, he has a hard time accepting the word "No."
  • Leon's Figuring Things Out

    Leon is just now starting to solve problems that he plans out in his head, such as how to get toys or other objects that are hidden or out of reach, but sometimes he relies on trial and error. I encourage him to figure out where some things around the house are located. (p. 150)
  • 3 Years Old

    Leon has begun pre-school and, although he cried for a little bit, he adapted quite well. He's also quite a chatterbox. (p. 195)
  • Got an ear for music!

    Leon impresses everyone who hears him with his singing ability and ability to play songs by ear on the portable keyboard. The school doesn't provide instrumental music lessons until 3rd grade, so I go to find an instructor for a reasonable price. p. 303
  • The next Michael Phelps?

    Leon has grown into a very strong swimmer and water polo player. He is now taking the highest skill lessons at the Y. (p. 312)
  • Puberty. Great.

    Leon is starting to notice girls more. I catch him with a video game featuring scantilly clad women. I've played games like this before and know it's a bit of harmless eye candy. However, I do let him know that the game designs women specifically for eye candy, and should not play this while his sister is around, since it's not a good example for her. (p. 346)
  • Leon Gets Drunk But Takes Responsible Route

    Leon called for me to pick him up at a party, in spite of him having our car. Me and my wife drive over to get Leon, a couple of his friends, and both cars. In the morning, Leon wakes up with a massive hang over. I tell him this hangover is punishment enough about what I warned him about over drinking. I do praise him for calling me to get him instead of driving intoxicated. (p. 376)