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Leading to The Civil War

  • First slaves arrived to the New World

    First slaves arrived to the New World
    When the Dutch landed in the Americas they traded the 20 slaves they had captured and sold them or traded them for food and supplies.
  • 3/5th Compromise

    3/5th Compromise
    3 out of 5 slaves votes would count but those votes normally were always their owners votes
  • Missouri Compromise 36*30'

    Missouri Compromise 36*30'
    Since no one wanted to unbalanced the senate , the people wanted the same number of free and slave states . So Henry Clay came up with the compromise to be enforced in the Lousiana Purchase.
  • Fugitive State Law

    Fugitive State Law
    If a slave was to flee to the North and got captured , he or she would be sent back to his/her owner . Making the slaves flee to Canada for freedom.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this book it showed the cruelty slaves would be put through .
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The goverment left the decion of if Kansas or Nebraska should be a slave or free state up to the people otherwise known as popular sovereignty.
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

    Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
    John Brown was an abolitionist who used violance to make his point that slavery was wrong. He killed 5 innocent people and he also toook his sons to help kill the innocent, after killing them he chopped them into many pieces to care the other pro-slavery.
  • Dred Scott's case

    Dred Scott's case
    Dred Scott was taken by his owner to the Northern states and worked as a freeman, but when we returned to the south he was a slave again. Scott sued his owner for freedom but the judge said that property was not aloud to sue it's owner.
  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was the a republic representative that ran for president. The South were afraid he would take their slaves away so they didn't want him as a president
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina decided to secede because they knew that Abraham Lincoln would make the southern states get ride of their slaves.