Last 40 Years

By eo17766
  • Jimmy Carter - Camp David Accords

    Jimmy Carter - Camp David Accords
    After 13 days of trying, president Carter got Anwar El Sadat (Egyptian president) and Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister) to sign a peace treaty.
  • Jimmy Carter - Iran Hostage Crisis

    Jimmy Carter - Iran Hostage Crisis
    After a group of Islamist students took over the American Embassy they held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
  • Ronald Reagan - Assassination Attempt

    Ronald Reagan - Assassination Attempt
    Just 69 day into his presidency, the assassination attempt happened. He was leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel when Reagan was injured near his lungs by John Hinckley, Jr.
  • Ronald Reagan - AIDs

    Ronald Reagan - AIDs
    After Reagan stood by and did nothing to help fight against the AIDs epidemic, someone he knew had died from it. This changed his mind and it became one on his "top priorities."
  • Ronald Reagan - Iran Contra Affair

    Ronald Reagan - Iran Contra Affair
    During Reagan's administration, people in office started selling weapons to Iran secretly, because they believed that doing so would free the American hostages.
  • Ronald Reagan - End Of The Cold War

    Ronald Reagan - End Of The Cold War
    By the end of Reagans presidency, the Cold War ended because of US-Soviet egotiations.
  • George H.W. Bush - Berlin Wall Falls

    George H.W. Bush - Berlin Wall Falls
    East Germany opened its borders and Germans tore down the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin.
  • George H.W. Bush - Gulf War

    George H.W. Bush - Gulf War
    Iraq invades Kuwait for its resources, violating international law.
  • Bill Clinton - NAFTA

    Bill Clinton - NAFTA
    After Bush signed the NAFTA agreement President Clinton did not alter it, he completed it. NAFTA provided for gradually reduced tariffs and the creation of a free-trading bloc of North American countries.
  • Bill Clinton - Balance Federal Budget

    Bill Clinton - Balance Federal Budget
    Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act which raised taxes on the rich, and cut taxes of low-income families.
  • Bill Clinton - Lewinsky Affair

    Bill Clinton - Lewinsky Affair
    Clinton was accused of having a sexual affair with one of his intern Monica Lewinsky. They took him to court and he lied under oath about having an affair with her.
  • Bill Clinton - Impeachment

    Bill Clinton - Impeachment
    When President Clinton was found guilty of lying under oath aboout having an affair with Monica Lewinsky, the house of representatives tried to impeach him for lying. It failed because the senate did not agree that he should be impeached for covering up his sex life.
  • George W. Bush - September 11

    George W. Bush - September 11
    While President Bush was reading to students at a school he was informed that planes had crashed into the Twin Towers. Osama Bin Laden was responsilbe for the attack.
  • George W. Bush - War In Afganistan

    George W. Bush - War In Afganistan
    Because of what happened on 9/11 the US felt they had to get justice and Bush declared war on Afghanistan.
  • George W. Bush - Axis of Evil

    George W. Bush - Axis of Evil
    Bush was informed that Saddam had amassed huge caches of biological and chemical weapons and believed that the weapons could be a source of arms for terrorists. He called Iraq and other nations "Axis of Evil"
  • George W. Bush - War in Iraq

    George W. Bush - War in Iraq
    Bush went to war with Iraq because he believed they had harmful weapons and he wanted to get rid of them.
  • Barack Obama - Obamacare

    Barack Obama - Obamacare
    President Obama wanted a way to make health care easier to have, so he came up with Obamacare. In this plan, he wanted people who already had it to have security and stability. He wanted to give health care to the people who didn't have it. He also wanted to make sure that costs of health care did not go up.
  • Barack Obama - Osama Bin Laden Death

    Barack Obama - Osama Bin Laden Death
    Obama ordered a team of Navy Seals to kill the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden.