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Langston Hughes

  • Born

    Langston Hughes was born Feb. 1st 1902 in Joplin Missouri.
  • He lived with his grandmother

    When Langston Hughes was young his father moved to mexico and he went to live with his grandmother.
  • He started writing poetry

    He started writing poetry
    He started writing poetry in Lincon, Illinois
  • Moved to Washington DC

    Moved to Washington DC
  • First book of poetry published

    First book of poetry published
    His first book of poetry called The Weary Blues, was published by Alfred A. Kopf
  • First novel won gold medal for lititure

    First novel won gold medal for lititure
    His novel called Not Without Laughter, won the Harmon gold medal.
  • Died

    Langston Hughes died from complications from prostate cancer in New York. He was only 65 when he died