Supreme court

Landmark Supreme Court Cases

  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    Marbury v.s Madison is a case that made the precedent of the judicial review. The court ruled with marbury and this case effects the world by making precedent mandatory.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    James McCulloch, a branch employee, refused to pay the tax on his bank. The state of Maryland sued him saying that Maryland had the power to tax any business in it's state and that the Constitution does not give congress the power to create a natinal bank. The court ruled in favor with McCulloch, and this protected business from being taxed unfairly.
  • Dred Scott v.s. Sanford

    Dred Scott v.s. Sanford
    Dred Scott was a slave who was stationed in a free state with a master when his master died he sued the family saying that he was free becasue he lived in a free state.The court ruled with sanford and this is forever one of the worst rulings in court ever.
  • Plessy v..s Ferguson

    Plessy v..s Ferguson
    To fight the Seperate Car Act, a man named Homer Plessy, who was one-eight black bought a first class ticket and sat in the white- designated railroad car. He was arrested for vioating the act and argued in court that the act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the constitution.The court favored with plessy and this will affect the world because we recieved seperate but equal rights.
  • Karematsu v.s. U.S.

    Karematsu v.s. U.S.
    After Pearl harbor bombing,the president made all chines and japanese citizens go into camps for "their saftey". Kaorematsu claimed he was of mexican descent and when he was caught , he was sentenced to time in jail.The court ruled with Korematsu.
  • Brown v.s. Board of Education

    Brown v.s. Board of Education
    In Topeka, Kansas Linda brown and her sister had to walk a far a dangerous path to get to the all black elementary school. There was a school closer to the Brown's house, but it was only for white children.The Brown's took the case to court saying that the segregated school system violated the fourteenth Amendement. The Court favored with brown and this allows african americans to get equal rights.
  • Mapp v.s Ohio

    Mapp v.s Ohio
    Police thought Mapp might be hiding a person suspected in a bombing.So the police went to her home and demanded to be let in.They made a fake warrant and forced their way into Mapps home. While in the house they found pornographic material which was against the law in Ohio. The evidence was put on trial due to it being found without a warrant. The court favored with mapp and this will affect us because it protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures.
  • Gideon v.s Wainwright

    Gideon v.s Wainwright
    One night a burglary happened at a bar, and someone clamed that gideon was the only one hanging around the bar that night. They then found that Gideon had a pocket full of change and that the Coin machine in the bar had been robbed. He was sentenced to trial and wasnt given a lawyer. He represented himself and did poorly. This case favored with Gideon and this affects the world by giving us right to fair trial and representation.
  • Miranda v.s. Arizona

    Miranda v.s. Arizona
    This case is about when a man was arrested and wasn't read his rights therefore the evidence could not be used in court. This is now known as being mirandized and read your rights before or during you getting arrested.
  • Tinker v.s. Des Moines

    Tinker v.s. Des Moines
    John and Mary Beth Tinker of Des Moines, Iowa, wore black armbands tot heir public school as a symbol of protest against American involvment in the Vietnam War. When school authorities asked that the Tinkers remove their armbands, they refused and were suspended. This case favored with Tinker and this case gave student the oppurtunity to express their selves in school
  • New Jersey v.s. T.L.O

    New Jersey v.s. T.L.O
    A high school student was accused of breaking school rules by smoking in the bathroom. The principal searched her purse without a warrant and found other items about her violation. The student fought for the evdience in her purse to be not used because it was found without a warrant. The court favored with T.L.O and this case protects us from searches and seizures.
  • Hazelwood v.s. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood v.s. Kuhlmeier
    This case was about the freedom of press which was stated in the first amendment of the constitution.The journalism students fought for censorship after the principal edited it. The court favored with the school and this will affect our protectuion of our first amendment rights.
  • Roe v.s. Wade

    Roe v.s. Wade
    This case was the debate on if abortion should be made illegal or not. The main debate was if it was the mothers choice (Pro choice) or the sake of the unborn child( Pro Life). The end result was that the court sided with Pro choice and this affects the world because it changes the life of people and those who may not be born.
  • Texas v.s. Johnson

    Texas v.s. Johnson
    This was the decision on if flag burning should be illegal or not. The fight was that it was against the 14th amendment to make a flag burning amendment. The court favored with Johnson in saying that it was his property. This protects our right to handle our property how ever we want.