
  • Rowley : An appropriate education requires "Some Educational benefits."

    Amy was doing good in general education classes, but she was falling behind because she needed an interpeter. The parents of amy went to court and the court ruled that amy did not have the 'best opportunity of learning and she got her interpreter.
  • Burlington School Committee: Parent’s may be Entitled to Reimbursement for Private Placement

    A parent wanted their money back from a private school. The school denied this request because it was their choice to send that child to private school. The court decided that if the child had a right reason to leave , thats the only time that they would receive an reimbursement.
  • Amanda J: The Failure to Provide Critical Information is a Denial of the Parent's Right to Participate.

    Amanda J as a student that got tested for special education classes. The test came back as she had autism. The parents didn't know until a year later. They went to court and the parents lost because the school couldn't tell them because it was part of their procedures. This is still the same around the world.
  • xDeal ex re. Deal: Failure to Discuss Parent’s Suggestions is a Denial of the Right to Participate.

    This case was the involvements of parents. The parent wanted to be involved and provide suggestions about their child educational process. The school denied this and wouldn't let them put input. The court ruled that the parent should be able to be involved in their child process of learning. This effected us today because now parents can be involved in their child learning.